Digitizing the Proteomes From Big Tissue Biobanks
Aplikace | 2019 | SCIEXInstrumentace
Klíčová slovacancer, healthy, biobanks, spectronaut, colon, proteins, ontology, subtypes, ffpe, proteomics, tissue, swath, flexure, stratification, samples, resection, proteomic, altered, pulsar, gender, pave, data, gene, ribosomal, hepatic, adhesion, across, protein, microflow, diagnosis, peptide, can, analysis, were, acquisition, way, from, abundance, markers, cecum, flexor, splenic, pca, identify, yields, disease, diagnostic, digitizing, rectal, throughput
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An EasyPep Magnetic Solution for Automated Proteomics Sample Preparation
2024|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
An EasyPep Magnetic Solution for Automated Proteomics Sample Preparation Maowei Dou1, Erum Raja1, Leigh Foster1, Kevin Yang2, Amirmansoor Hakimi2, Sergei Snovida1, Kay Opperman1, Bhavin Patel1, Ryan Bomgarden1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA; 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose,…
Klíčová slova
magnetic, magneticidentifiation, identifiationeasypep, easypeppeptides, peptidesprotein, proteinplate, platekingfisher, kingfishergroups, groupsnumbers, numbersbeads, beadshamilton, hamiltonnsclc, nsclcsample, sampleorbitraptm, orbitraptmsolution
Molecular Subtypes in Glioblastoma Multiforme: Integrated Analysis Using Agilent GeneSpring and Mass Profiler Professional Multi-Omics Software
2016|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Molecular Subtypes in Glioblastoma Multiforme: Integrated Analysis Using Agilent GeneSpring and Mass Profiler Professional Multi-Omics Software Application Note Authors Abstract Durairaj Renu, Pritha Aggarwal, Agilent GeneSpring and Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) software was used Sunil C. Cherukuri, and Pramila Tata…
Klíčová slova
proneural, proneuralmesenchymal, mesenchymalgbm, gbmsubtype, subtypeneural, neuralsubtypes, subtypesexpression, expressionclassical, classicalgenespring, genespringtumor, tumormrna, mrnatcga, tcgatumors, tumorsgenes, genescorrelation
Pushing the Leading Edge in Protein Quantitation: Integrated, Precise, and Reproducible Protein Quantitation Workflow Solutions
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Prezentace
2017 Metabolomics Seminars Pushing the Leading Edge in Protein Quantitation: Integrated, Precise, and Reproducible Protein Quantitation Workflow Solutions The world leader in serving science 2 3 Cancer Moonshot Goal: To detect cancer at an early stage while providing additional therapies…
Klíčová slova
dda, ddaprotein, proteinquantitation, quantitationstandardization, standardizationquantified, quantifiedexactive, exactiveprecision, precisionpeptides, peptidespeptide, peptideproteins, proteinsworkflow, workflowquantitative, quantitativedia, diareproducibility, reproducibilityproteomics
Rapidly Advance Quantitative Proteomics with a High-Throughput SWATH® Acquisition Solution
Rapidly Advance Quantitative Proteomics with a HighThroughput SWATH® Acquisition Solution Microflow LC with OptiFlow® Turbo V Source on the TripleTOF® 6600+ System and Cloud Processing Christie Hunter SCIEX, USA The combination of microflow LC with SWATH Acquisition for accelerating quantitative…
Klíčová slova
swath, swathmicroflow, microflowproteins, proteinsquantified, quantifiednanoflow, nanoflowcloud, cloudindustrialized, industrializedsciex, sciexquantitative, quantitativeprotein, proteinontologies, ontologiesacquisition, acquisitionproteomics, proteomicsoneomics, oneomicssimilar