Analysis of Intact Monoclonal Antibodies Using an M3 MicroLC with the TripleTOF® 6600
Aplikace | 2018 | SCIEXInstrumentace
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
Klíčová slovaintact, mabs, desalting, ptms, characterization, antibodies, monoclonal, reconstruction, quantitation, glycans, biopharmaview, multiplicity, sensitivity, protein, microlc, adalimumab, membrane, analysis, mab, nanogram, deamidated, mass, glu, proteins, loss, biotherapeutic, glycosylation, headquarters, terminal, dynamic, off, column, subnanogramto, waters, other, therapeutic, improved, modifications, subnanogram, multiquant, using, high, successful, range, line, ionspray, provided, occupy, tripletof, iggs
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Analysis of Intact Monoclonal Antibodies Using an M3 MicroLC with the TripleTOF® 6600
For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures Drug Discovery and Development Analysis of Intact Monoclonal Antibodies Using an M3 MicroLC with the TripleTOF® 6600 Robust and Sensitive Workflow for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Biotherapeutic IgGs Khatereh…
Klíčová slova
intact, intactmabs, mabsdesalting, desaltingptms, ptmscharacterization, characterizationantibodies, antibodiesmonoclonal, monoclonalreconstruction, reconstructionquantitation, quantitationglycans, glycansbiopharmaview, biopharmaviewsensitivity, sensitivitymultiplicity, multiplicityprotein, proteinmicrolc
Solutions for Biotherapeutic Intact Mass Analysis
2016|SCIEX|Brožury a specifikace
Answers, Simple and Streamlined Solutions for Biotherapeutic Intact Mass Analysis Expert Functionality for Mass Spec Non-Experts SCIEX OS on the X500B QTOF system dramatically improves the user experience, with a point-and-click interface that simplifies setup and operation, even for non-experts…
Klíčová slova
intact, intactyour, yourselexion, selexionadc, adcglycosylation, glycosylationdrug, drugbiopharmaview, biopharmaviewdeconvolution, deconvolutiondar, darcomparability, comparabilitybiologics, biologicstripletof, tripletofprotein, proteinsciex, sciexdms
Comprehensive analysis of low abundant mannose glycopeptides in peptide mapping of adalimumab
Comprehensive analysis of low abundant mannose glycopeptides in peptide mapping of adalimumab Featuring CESI 8000 Plus and TripleTOF ® 6600+ System Zuzana Demianova1, Miloslav Sanda2, Zoe Zhang3, Sean McCarthy4 and Sahana Mollah3 1 SCIEX, Brea, CA; 2 Georgetown University, Washington,…
Klíčová slova
cesi, cesiglycopeptides, glycopeptidesforward, forwardadalimumab, adalimumabmapping, mappingpeptide, peptideelectrophoretically, electrophoreticallyrolling, rollingglycan, glycanantibodies, antibodiesabundant, abundantmodifications, modificationsglycopeptide, glycopeptideptms, ptmsmannose
Optimized digestion procedure and characterization for monoclonal antibodies and proteins by CESI-MS
Optimized digestion procedure and characterization for monoclonal antibodies and proteins by CESI-MS Featuring CESI 8000 Plus and TripleTOF® 6600+ LC-MS/MS System Zuzana Demianova1, Anna Lou1 and Sahana Mollah2 1 SCIEX, Brea, CA; 2 SCIEX, Redwood City, CA Peptide mapping by…
Klíčová slova
ddi, ddiforward, forwardcesi, cesiemitter, emitterdip, dipwater, waterpeptide, peptidereverse, reversemapping, mappingisotachophoresis, isotachophoresisdigestion, digestionbge, bgepsi, psielectrophoresis, electrophoresisadalimumab