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Waters Application Notes - Food Testing

Příručky | 2020 | WatersInstrumentace
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Příprava vzorků, GC/QQQ, GC/API/MS, Iontová mobilita, HPLC, LC/TOF, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ
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Klíčová slova
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Determination of Fipronil and its Metabolite Fipronil Sulfone in Eggs  by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry  Using a Modified QuEChERS Method
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Determination of Fipronil and its Metabolite Fipronil Sulfone in Eggs by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Using a Modified QuEChERS Method Renata Jandova, Eimear McCall, Euan Ross, and Simon Hird Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK APPLICATION BENEFITS…
Klíčová slova
fipronil, fipronilsulfone, sulfoneeggs, eggsmetabolite, metabolitedisque, disqueconc, concmethod, methodxevo, xevohlb, hlbquechers, quechersoasis, oasisprime, primedetermination, determinationuplc, uplcits
INDIAN FOOD SURAK SHAA (SAFE T Y) APPLIC ATION BOOK USING WAT E RS ADVANC E D T EC HNOLOGIES Develop, extend, and validate new methods for a wide range of food products and ingredients INTRODUCTION The Food Safety and…
Klíčová slova
uplc, uplcacquity, acquityfood, foodveterinary, veterinarydyes, dyesresidues, residuesusing, usingvergence, vergenceclass, classresidue, residuedetection, detectionanalysis, analysisdisque, disqueradar, radarsample
Oasis PRiME HLB Food Applications Notebook
Oasis PRiME HLB Food Applications Notebook SCIENTIST BIOS Michael S. Young, Ph.D. Principal Applications Chemist Waters Corporation Dr. Young is a Principal Chemist and Applications Manager in the Scientific Operations division of Waters Corporation. He and his team of chemists…
Klíčová slova
hlb, hlboasis, oasisesi, esiprime, primecleanup, cleanupveterinary, veterinaryuplc, uplccartridge, cartridgecartridges, cartridgesquechers, quecherspass, passeffective, effectiveextracts, extractsdrugs, drugsspe
Development and Validation of a Routine Multi-Residue Method for the Quantitative Determination of Pesticide Residues in Fruits, Vegetables, and Rice Using UPLC-MS/MS
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Development and Validation of a Routine Multi-Residue Method for the Quantitative Determination of Pesticide Residues in Fruits, Vegetables, and Rice Using UPLC-MS/MS Renata Jandova, Sara Stead, and Eimear McCall Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK APPLICATION BENEFITS ■■…
Klíčová slova
esi, esiresidue, residuepesticide, pesticidemulti, multipicoxystrobin, picoxystrobincronos, cronosvalidation, validationcyproconazole, cyproconazoleroutine, routinedisque, disquepesticides, pesticidesspinetoram, spinetoramxevo, xevoresidues, residuesspinosad
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