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Intelligent functionality: Unique CDS software features for GC-MS spectral library searching - Thermo Scientific Chromeleon 7.2 Chromatography Data System


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Designed for MS - Thermo Scientific Chromeleon 7.2 Chromatography Data System
PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT Designed for MS Thermo Scientific Chromeleon 7.2 Chromatography Data System Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ 7.2 Chromatography Data System (CDS) is the first CDS that supports Mass Spectrometry (MS) instrument control and data processing with all main front-end separation techniques…
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Accelerate your Quantitative LC/MS Workflows with a Fully Integrated UHPLC-QQQ Platform
Accelerate your Quantitative LC/MS Workflows with a Fully Integrated UHPLC-QQQ Platform Remco Swart Pittcon March 8-12, 2015 The world leader in serving science 1 Outline • Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC System • Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Endura™ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer…
Klíčová slova
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Automated and accurate component detection using reference mass spectra
Automated and accurate component detection using reference mass spectra
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Technické články
TECHNICAL NOTE 72703 Automated and accurate component detection using reference mass spectra Introduction Authors Barbara van Cann and Amit Gujar 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Breda, NL 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Austin, TX, USA 2 Keywords GC-MS, LC-MS, IC-MS, Chromatography Data…
Klíčová slova
reference, referencecomponent, componentspectra, spectraspectrum, spectrummass, masschromeleon, chromeleoncds, cdsconfidence, confidenceassign, assigncann, cannscreening, screeninggujar, gujaramit, amitbased, basedcompare
Compliance-ready MS Chromeleon CDS: customer perspectives
Compliance-ready MS Chromeleon CDS: customer perspectives
2021|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Ostatní
CASE STUDY Compliance-ready MS Chromeleon CDS: customer perspectives Introduction Pharmaceutical industry and supporting laboratories such as contract testing, research and manufacturing organizations (CTOs, CROs and CMOs) share many of the same challenges. Foremost are the difficulties of managing analytical workflows,…
Klíčová slova
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.