TraceFinder Acquisition Quick Reference Guide - Clinical
© 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
All rights reserved.
This quick reference guide describes the Acquisition mode tasks of the Thermo TraceFinder™ 4.1 application.
Opening the
To open the Acquisition mode
Click Acquisition in the navigation pane.
The navigation pane for the Acquisition mode opens.
The task pane for the Acquisition mode tracks your actions.
TraceFinder Acquisition Quick Reference Guide
• Opening the Acquisition Mode
• Selecting and Reviewing Reports
IMPORTANT TraceFinder 4.1 uses the same data as TraceFinder 4.0. The application stores the method,
project, template, and compound database data for the 4.1 release in the TraceFinderData/4.0 folder.
Acquisition mode options
Example of the task pane as you complete each task
Revision A XCALI-97821
Selecting a
Use the Batch Selection page of the Acquisition mode to create a new batch in any of your current projects, or use a
batch template to start a new batch.
To start a new batch
1. In the navigation pane, click Create a New Batch.
2. Select the Quantitation option, the Target Screening option, or the Unknown Screening option.
3. Select the batch folder where you want to create a new batch.
4. Type a unique name for the new batch in the Batch Name box.
5. Select a method from the Method Selection list.
The Method Compound Data pane displays the compounds in the method. You cannot edit the compounds list
in the Acquisition mode.
6. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Sample Definition page opens. See Defining the Sample List.
To start a new batch from a template
1. In the navigation pane, click Create a New Batch.
2. Select the Quantitation option, the Target Screening option, or the Unknown Screening option.
3. In the Available Templates pane, select the template and method combination that you want to use.
The system creates a batch name with the selected template name and appends the date and time stamp. The
application selects the default project, subproject, and method associated with this template.
4. (Optional) Select a different batch folder where you want to create the new batch.
5. (Optional) Select a different method to use for the new batch.
6. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Sample Definition page opens. See Defining the Sample List.
To select a prepared batch
1. In the navigation pane, click Submit a Prepared Batch.
The application displays all your unacquired, saved batches. The application stores all unacquired batches in the
…\TraceFinderData\4.0\Projects\… folder.
2. Select the batch that you want to acquire.
3. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Finish page of the Acquisition mode opens. From the Finish page, you can save the batch, submit the batch
for acquisition, or go back to the Sample Definition page to edit the sample list for this batch.
4. Do one of the following:
• To prepare the batch for acquisition, click Submit, .
For detailed instructions, see Submitting the Batch.
• To edit the samples list, click Previous.
For detailed instructions about editing a samples list, see Defining the Sample List.
• To save the batch to be acquired later, click Save, .
The application saves your batch, closes the Acquisition mode, and returns you to the mode you were last
The application saves batches to the …\TraceFinderData\4.0\Projects\… folder.
To reinject samples in a previously acquired batch
1. In the navigation pane, click Reinject Samples.
2. On the Batch page, select the batch that you want to reacquire.
The Batch page displays all previously acquired batches, both quantitative and screening.
3. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Sample Definition page opens. See Defining the Sample List.
To create a quantitation batch template
1. In the navigation pane, click Create or Edit a Template.
From this page, you can begin a new batch template.
2. Select the Quantitation option.
3. Click
and select the folder where you want to create the new batch template.
4. Type a name for the new batch template in the Template Name box.
5. Select a method from the Method Selection list.
The Method Compound Data pane displays the compounds in the method. You cannot edit the compounds list
from the Acquisition mode.
6. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Sample Definition page opens. See Defining the Sample List.
To create a target screening batch template
1. In the navigation pane, click Create or Edit a Template.
From the Template Selection page, you can begin a new batch template.
2. Select the Target Screening option.
3. Click
and select the folder where you want to create the new batch template.
4. Type a name for the new batch template in the Template Name box.
5. Select a method from the Method Selection list.
The Method Compound Databases pane displays the screening databases available for the selected method.
6. Select the check box for each database that you want to use for screening.
7. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Sample Definition page opens. See Defining the Sample List.
To create an unknown screening batch template
1. Click Create or Edit a Template in the navigation pane.
2. Select the Unknown Screening option.
3. Click
and select the folder where you want to create the new batch template.
4. Type a name for the new batch template in the Template Name box.
5. Select a method from the Method Selection list.
The Method Compound Databases pane displays the unknown screening databases available for the selected
6. Select the check box for each database that you want to use for unknown screening.
7. To continue to the next page, click Next.
The Sample Definition page of the Acquisition mode opens. See Defining the Sample List.
Note When user security is activated, you must have Acquisition Wizard – Template Editing permission to
create a batch template.
Defining the
Sample List
Use the Sample Definition Page of the Acquisition mode to create a list of samples for the batch. You can add or
insert samples to the list, import a sample list, or remove samples from the list.
As you enter sample values, you can use the Copy Down and Fill Down commands to quickly enter column values.
For detailed instructions, refer to the “Using Copy Down and Fill Down” appendix in the TraceFinder User Guide.
After defining the list of samples, click Next.
• If you are creating a batch from scratch, creating a batch from a template, or editing a batch template, the Report
Selection page opens. See Selecting and Reviewing Reports.
• If you are editing a previously acquired batch or a prepared batch, the Finish page opens. See Submitting the
To add samples to the list
1. Select the number of sample rows to add and then click Add, .
2. For each sample, type a unique file name in the Filename column.
3. For each sample, select a sample type from the Sample Type list.
For a detailed description of sample types, refer to “Using the Acquisition Mode” in the TraceFinder User Guide.
4. For each Calibrator or QC sample, select a level from the Level list.
The sample levels are defined in the master method. If there are no levels to select from the Level list, ask a user
with Supervisor or LabDirector permissions to edit the method and specify the levels.
For detailed instructions about defining sample levels, refer to the method development chapters in the
TraceFinder Lab Director User Guide.
5. For each sample, type a vial position in the Vial Position column.
6. For each sample, type a volume in the Injection Volume column.
7. (Optional) Type or edit the values for the remaining columns.
To insert samples into the list
1. Select the sample above which you want to insert new Specimen samples.
2. Select the number of samples to insert and click Insert, .
The application inserts the Specimen samples above the selected sample.
3. For each sample, type a unique file name in the Filename column.
4. For each sample, select a sample type from the Sample Type list.
5. For each Calibrator or QC sample, select a level from the Level list.
Tip To quickly add one sample row, right-click the sample list and choose Add Sample from the menu.
Available sample types
Tip Use the Fill Down command to make entering vial positions easier.
Note When you use the scroll bar at the bottom of the sample list, the following columns remain fixed:
Status, Filename, Sample Type, Groups, Qual Processing (quantitation) or Blank Subtraction (target
screening) Level, Sample ID, and Sample Name, while the other columns scroll right and left.
The sample levels are defined in the master method. If there are no levels to select from the Level list, ask a user
with Supervisor or Lab Director permissions to edit the method and specify the levels.
For detailed instructions about defining sample levels, refer to “Using the Method Development Mode” in the
TraceFinder Lab Director User Guide.
6. Type a vial position in the Vial Position column for each sample.
7. For each sample, type a volume in the Injection Volume column.
8. (Optional) Type or edit the values for the remaining columns.
To import samples into the list
1. Click Import, .
The Sample Import Tool dialog box opens where you can import a sample list from a CSV, an XML, or an SLD
2. Browse to and select a CSV, an XML, or an SLD file with the sample definitions that you want to import.
3. From the Imported Samples Will Be list, select either Appended to the End of the List or Inserted at the
Selected Row.
4. Click Import.
The Sample Import Tool dialog box closes, and the application adds the specified samples to the samples list.
When you import samples from an Xcalibur™ sequence file, the TraceFinder application makes the following
column name and sample type substitutions.
5. For each Calibrator or QC sample, select a level from the Level list.
The sample levels are defined in the master method. If there are no levels to select from the Level list, ask a user
with Method Development permission to edit the method and specify the levels.
For detailed instructions about defining sample levels, refer to the method development chapters in the
TraceFinder Lab Director User Guide.
6. For each sample, type a vial position in the Vial Position column.
7. For each sample, type a volume in the Injection Volume column.
8. (Optional) Enter or edit the values for the remaining columns.
9. (Optional) When using multiplexing, select a channel for each imported sample.
Imported samples default to Auto.
Tip Use the Fill Down command to make entering vial positions easier.
Note The .csv, .xml, or .sld data format must match the TraceFinder data format.
Xcalibur column
TraceFinder column
Xcalibur sample type
TraceFinder sample type
Vial Position
Inj Vol
Injection Volume
Std Bracket
Dil Factor
Conversion Factor
Tip Use the Fill Down command to make entering vial positions easier.
Note When you use the scroll bar at the bottom of the sample list, the following columns remain fixed:
Status, Filename, Sample Type, Groups, Qual Processing (quantitation) or Blank Subtraction (target
screening) Level, Sample ID, and Sample Name, while the other columns scroll right and left.
To remove samples from the list
1. Select the samples you want to remove.
2. Right-click and choose Remove Selected Samples from the shortcut menu.
To reinject a sample from a previously acquired batch
1. In the sample list, select the sample that you want to reinject.
2. Right-click and choose Reinject Selected Samples from the shortcut menu.
The application creates a copy of the selected sample and appends INJ001 to the file name. Additional
reinjections of the same sample are numbered INJ002, INJ003, and so forth.
The application copies all parameter values from the original sample. A green status icon indicates previously
acquired samples (acquired and processed), and the sample name is grayed out. A blue status icon indicates
samples created for reinjection (not acquired).
When you submit this batch, the application acquires only the reinjection samples.
Sample Definition Page
Tip Use the CTRL or SHIFT keys to select multiple samples.
Table 1. Sample Definition page parameters (Sheet 1 of 2)
Returns you to the previous Acquisition page.
Takes you to the next Acquisition page.
Sample Controls
Adds the specified number of empty rows to the sample grid.
Inserts the specified number of empty rows above the selected row.
Opens the Sample Import Tool to import samples from a CSV, an XML, or an
SLD file.
Multiplexing Channels
Available only when you have activated multiplexing. Refer to “Using the
Configuration Console” in the TraceFinder Lab Director User Guide.
All Channels
Uses all configured channels to acquire this batch.
Channel 1-n
Uses only the selected channels to acquire this batch.
Shortcut menu
Add Sample
Adds one empty row to the sample grid.
Insert Sample
Inserts one empty row to the sample grid above the selected row.
Insert Copy Sample
Copies the currently selected row and inserts a copy above the row.
Selecting and
Use the Report Selection page of the Acquisition mode to specify the types of reports that you want to create.
The Report Selection page lists all the available reports and displays the report name, report title, and the options to
create printed, PDF, CSV, or Microsoft™ Excel™ output.
After specifying your report options, click Next to go to the Finish page and submit your batch. See Submitting the
The application saves the resulting output files for your reports in the following folder:
To edit a report title
Select the text in the Report Title column and edit the default text.
The default text in this column is the same as the report name.
To specify a report in print format or as a PDF, a CSV, or an Excel file
1. For each report that you want to create, select the check box in the Print, Create PDF, Create CSV, or Create
Excel column.
2. To duplicate the output type for all reports, right-click the cell and choose Copy Down from the shortcut menu.
All check boxes in the column below the selected cell duplicate the selected or cleared state in the selected cell.
Reinject Selected Samples
Creates a copy of the selected samples and appends INJ001 to the end of the file
name. Additional reinjections of the same sample are numbered INJ002, INJ003,
and so forth.
Remove Selected Samples
Removes the selected samples from the sample grid.
Copy Down
Copies the value in the selected row to all rows below it. This command is
available only when you have selected a value that can be copied down.
Fill Down
Enters sequential values in the column, starting with the value in the selected row
and ending with the last row in the column.
Modify Columns
Opens the Modify Columns dialog box to customize the column display. Refer to
“Using the Analysis Mode” in the TraceFinder User Guide.
Enable/Disable Sample
Weight Calculation
Displays or hides the Sample Volume, Dilution Factor, Sample Weight,
Calculation Type, and Final Units columns.
Copies the data in the selected rows or columns to the Clipboard. Use this
command to copy sample information to a text editor or a spreadsheet
application. You cannot paste this data back into the Acquisition mode sample list.
Copy With Headers
Copies the data in the selected rows or columns and the associated column headers
to the Clipboard. Use this command to copy sample information to a text editor
or a spreadsheet application. You cannot paste this data back into the method
development compound list.
Pastes one column of copied data from a text editor or a spreadsheet application
into the selected column.
Undo Last Paste
Removes the last pasted item in the sample list.
Export to CSV File
Opens the Save As dialog box to save the batch to a CSV file.
Table 1. Sample Definition page parameters (Sheet 2 of 2)
Report Selection Page
the Batch
Use the Finish Page of the Acquisition mode to specify a startup method, a shutdown method, or a calibration file.
You can save the batch to be acquired later, or you can submit the batch and acquire data, process data, or create
To specify device states
In the System Status area of the Finish page, right-click the name of the device, and then choose a device state.
Report Name
The name of a report.
Report Title
User-editable description of the report.
Reports to be sent to the printer.
Create PDF
Reports to be saved as PDF files.
Create CSV
Reports to be exported as CSV files.
Create Excel
Reports to be exported as Excel files.
Shortcut menu:
Copy Down
Copies the selected or cleared state to all subsequent reports in the column. This
action applies only to report types that make this output format available.
Note If you are working with a batch template, the only available function is Save.
Instrument state
Turn Device On
(Default) Keeps the system in the On state when the current run finishes, so you
can begin another run without waiting. All power and flows are maintained at
operational levels.
Turn Device Standby
Keeps the system in the Standby state when the current run finishes, so you can
begin another run with only a short delay between runs.
Turn Device Off
Keeps the system in the Off state when the current run finishes. The Off state
indicates that all power to the instrument, which the TraceFinder application can
control, is turned off. Power to the instrument includes power to all heaters and
most subassemblies, but in some cases not all subassemblies.
Instrument status indicators
Green indicates that the device is turned on.
Yellow indicates that the device is in standby mode.
Red indicates a device error.
To specify startup or shutdown methods
1. (Optional) Select a method from the System Startup Method list on the Finish page.
The application runs this method before running the batch. No autosampler injection takes place. This feature is
not available for all instruments.
2. (Optional) Select a method from the System Shutdown Method list.
The application runs this method after running the batch. No autosampler injection takes place. This feature is
not available for all instruments.
To automatically update the timed selected reaction monitoring information
On the Finish page, select the Auto TSRM Update check box.
When you submit the batch, the application updates the TSQ™ method with mass transitions, collision energy,
and other appropriate data for TSRM functionality.
To specify a calibration file
1. In the Calibration area of the Finish page, select a calibration (.calx) file from the list.
2. To add calibration data from the current batch to the selected calibration file, select the Extend Calibration
check box.
To save a batch for later acquisition or processing
From the Finish page, click Save, .
The application saves your batch as a prepared file.
To start an acquisition or processing
1. From the Finish page, click Submit, .
The Submit Options Dialog Box opens.
2. To acquire (or reacquire) the submitted samples, select the Acquire Data check box.
• When all submitted samples have been previously acquired, this option is (by default) not selected.
• When there are any samples in the batch that have not been acquired, this option is (by default) selected.
3. To process the submitted samples, select the Process Data check box.
The application displays options for each type of method that the batch uses: Quantitation, Target Screening,
Unknown Screening, or a combination of methods.
Note You must acquire at least one batch with the current method to create a calibration (.calx) file.
Tip You can process the data with or without performing peak detection. For example, you might want to
turn off peak detection when reprocessing samples.
4. For each method type, select the check box for the options that you want to use.
Peak Detect: Performs peak detection for all method types. You can process the data with or without performing
peak detection. For example, you might want to turn off peak detection when reprocessing samples.
Quantitate: Performs quantitation for quantitation methods.
Identify: Performs identification for unknown screening methods.
Identify and Confirm: Performs both identification and confirmation for target screening methods.
With RT Alignment: Performs retention time alignment for unknown screening methods. This produces the
heat map and group averages data in the Unknown Screening View. When you select this option, the application
automatically selects the Peak Detect option.
5. (Optional) Select the Create Reports check box.
6. (Optional with multiplexing activated) Select the Priority Sequence check box.
The application acquires the priority batch on the next available channel or the assigned channel.
7. (Optional without multiplexing activated) Select the Priority Sequence check box and then select one of the
following priority options to place the batch in the queue:
• Next Available Batch places the batch immediately after the currently acquiring batch.
• Next Available Sample places the batch immediately after the currently acquiring sample.
8. To specify the following optional parameters, click Show Details.
a. Select the Use check box for the device that you want to use for this acquisition.
b. Select the Start Device check box to indicate the device that will initiate communication with the other
This is usually the autosampler.
c. Select the Start When Ready check box, which starts all instruments together when they are all ready.
When you clear this check box, individual instruments can start at different times and then must wait for the
last instrument to be ready.
d. Select the system state after it acquires the last batch: On, Standby, or Off.
9. To start the selected processes, click OK.
The selected processes begin, and the application shows the real-time display at the bottom of the current
window. You can begin another batch in the Acquisition mode while you watch the real-time display of the
currently acquiring batch.
Note When you select Full Sequence Submission in the Configuration console, these options are unavailable
because the current batch and the current sample are, in effect, the same thing.
IMPORTANT When your batch uses unknown screening features, after the first processing, you might see an
error message stating that the total number of results is too large for a single batch (more than 500 000). Return
to the Processing pages for the unknown screening features and make one or more of these parameter
• Limit the RT range.
• Shorten the signal range.
• Specify a lower value for the Number of Top Matches.
• Specify a Simple Search instead of an Exhaustive Search.
• Specify Top Peaks instead of All Peaks.
• Limit the number of search types.
Submit Options Dialog Box
Table 2. Submit Options dialog box parameters (Sheet 1 of 2)
User Name
Displays the name of the current user.
Reports the batch number and number of samples.
Method Types
Lists the types of methods (quantitation, target screening, or unknown screening) used in
the submitted batches.
Workflow Steps to Perform
Acquire Data
Submits the current batch to acquisition.
• When all submitted samples have been previously acquired, this option is (by default)
not selected.
• When there are any samples in the batch that have not been acquired, this option is
(by default) selected.
Process Data
Processes the data for the current batch using any of the following options:
Peak Detect: Performs peak detection for all method types. You can process the data with
or without performing peak detection. For example, you might want to turn off peak
detection when reprocessing samples.
Quantitate: Performs quantitation for quantitation methods.
Identify: Performs identification for unknown screening methods.
Identify and Confirm: Performs both identification and confirmation for target screening
With RT Alignment: Performs retention time alignment for unknown screening
methods. This produces the heat map and group averages data in the Unknown Screening
View. When you select this option, the application automatically selects the Peak Detect
To view the output files
Locate the files to view from the following directories:
• The application writes saved batches to the project folder:
• For each acquired sample, the application writes an RSX file to the batch Data folder:
• The application saves method information to the batch Methods folder:
• The application writes the reports to the batch Reports folder:
Create Reports
Creates reports for the current batch.
Submit as a Priority Sequence?
Priority Sequence
With multiplexing activated, places the batch immediately after the currently acquiring
Without multiplexing activated, specifies one of the following priority options to place
the batch in the queue:
Next Available Batch places the batch immediately after the currently acquiring batch.
Next Available Sample places the batch immediately after the currently acquiring sample.
Note When you select Full Sequence Submission in the Configuration console, these
options are unavailable because the current batch and the current sample are, in effect,
the same thing.
Acquisition pane
Device Name
Lists all configured instruments. If the instrument that you want to use is not configured,
close the TraceFinder application, configure the instrument, and then reopen the
application. You cannot configure an instrument while the TraceFinder application is
Specifies the instruments used for this acquisition.
Start Device
Specifies the instrument that is used to initiate the communication with the other
instruments. This is usually the autosampler.
Start When Ready
Starts the specified device when all the instruments are ready to acquire data.
Post-run System State
Specifies the system state after it acquires the last batch: On (default), Standby, or Off.
Hide/Show Details
Collapses or expands the acquisition details of the Submit Options dialog box.
Begins the selected processes.
Closes the Submit Options dialog box without submitting any tasks.
Table 2. Submit Options dialog box parameters (Sheet 2 of 2)