Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Technické články | 2011 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovatdc, mass, tof, ion, flight, arrival, converter, adc, time, ions, transient, digital, abdcontaminant, dynamic, signal, pulser, second, dcontaminant, dobs, per, spectrum, abdsample, practical, range, detector, limit, µsec, number, analog, transients, systems, digitally, arrives, function, intensity, accurate, acquisition, correction, theoretical, small, equations, acceleration, mirror, extending, basic, theory, statistics, accuracy, source, system
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Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
2003|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Technical Overview John Fjeldsted Agilent Technologies Introduction Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) was developed in the late 1940’s, but until the 1990’s its popularity was limited. Recent improvements in TOF technology, including orthogonal acceleration, ion mirrors (reflectrons),…
Klíčová slova
tdc, tdcflight, flightmass, massions, ionsion, ionarrival, arrivalpulser, pulsertime, timetransient, transienttof, tofconverter, convertersignal, signaladc, adctechnologies, technologiessecond
New level of QTOF performance in the 6530 QTOF
2008|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
Relentless Innovation the path to Mass Spec/tacular John Fjeldsted Director, R&D LC/MS Division Agilent Technologies Santa Clara, CA Our Agenda… • Start with the Agilent R&D History • Examine product goals and specifications. • Learn about Agilent Jet Stream Technology…
Klíčová slova
restricted, restrictedagilent, agilentturbo, turbojet, jetstream, streamrough, roughagilentjune, agilentjunecollision, collisionesi, esicell, cellinnovation, innovationpulser, pulseracceleration, accelerationpump, pumpion
Evaluation of the Importance of Accurate Mass, Mass Resolution and Dynamic Range for Impurity Profiling Applications with Multistage Mass Spectrometry
2008|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
Evaluation of the Importance of Accurate Mass, Mass Resolution and Dynamic Range for Impurity Profiling Applications with Multistage Mass Spectrometry David A. Weil*, Zoltan Timar and Michael Zumwalt Agilent Technologies Schaumburg, IL/ Boulder, CO [email protected] Impurity Profiling 2008 Page 1…
Klíčová slova
tof, tofmass, masscooh, coohqqq, qqqamoxicillin, amoxicillinmetid, metiddegradation, degradationtic, ticimpurity, impurityquad, quadmfe, mfefpga, fpgaprocessed, processeddata, datadynamic
U.S. LC/MS Innovations Seminar Tour
2009|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
Welcome ! Denver, CO Houston, TX February 2009 • Schedule & Introductions • Announcements - Safety - Evaluation forms - Upcoming events > CBMSS, Feb 10th, Nat’l Jewish Center, www.cbmss.org (also Apr 22nd) > AAFS, Feb 16th – 21st, Denver…
Klíčová slova
turbo, turbochip, chipmrm, mrmagilent, agilentfwhm, fwhmresolution, resolutionrough, roughdynamic, dynamicspeed, speedhigh, highnano, nanosensitivity, sensitivityindustry, industrytechnology, technologylab