Solvent Back-Extraction Automation Option
Brožury a specifikace | | GERSTELInstrumentace
GC, Termální desorpce, Příprava vzorků, HPLC
Klíčová slovatwister, gerstel, mps, back, stir, extraction, solvent, option, backextraction, halle, procedure, ufz, leipzig, completely, desorption, injection, automation, twisters, thermal, volatile, maestro, compounds, sbse, ask, sorptive, limits, rest, non, com, conditioned, analytes, labile, including, technology, unless, mobile, upgrade, extends, saves, transferring, nearly, extracting, thermally, friendly, gmbh, efficiently, bar, sample, benefit, semi
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MAESTRO Software
|GERSTEL|Brožury a specifikace
MAESTRO Software Unparalleled productivity and ease of use Comprehensive sample preparation Full integration into Agilent ChemStation Unique graphical sequence scheduler GERSTEL MAESTRO Software The MAESTRO software provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for the modern laboratory. All GERSTEL modules and…
Klíčová slova
maestro, maestroextraction, extractionsequence, sequencescheduler, schedulerprepbuilder, prepbuilderfunction, functionmouse, mousesample, sampleautomated, automatedgraphical, graphicalhelp, helpmicro, microsolid, solidheadspace, headspaceliner
MPS Automated Membrane Extraction
|GERSTEL|Brožury a specifikace
MPS Automated Membrane Extraction Automated liquid-liquid membrane extraction for challenging matrices Sample with Addition of exmembrane inser- traction ted solvent Removal of solvent extract for injection MPS Membrane Extraction Option* The GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS) Membrane Extraction option enables automated…
Klíčová slova
membrane, membranegerstel, gerstelextraction, extractionmps, mpsliquid, liquidexmembrane, exmembranehalle, halleprocedure, procedureinser, inserufz, ufzleipzig, leipzigautomated, automatedprepbuilder, prepbuilderoption, optionsolvent
Evaporative Concentration of Substances Listed in the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC). A Performance Comparison Between an Automated System and a Manual System
2012|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
AppNote 7/2012 Evaporative Concentration of Substances Listed in the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC). A Performance Comparison Between an Automated System and a Manual System. Susanne Sperling Gerstel GmbH & Co. KG, Eberhard-Gerstel-Platz 1, D-45473 Mülheim an der…
Klíčová slova
mvap, mvapevaporation, evaporationgerstel, gerstelhch, hchautomated, automatedbenzo, benzosteps, stepssolvent, solventmps, mpsframework, frameworksample, samplemanual, manualcommercially, commerciallystation, stationfluoranthene
Automating the Accurate Transfer of Highly Volatile to Highly Viscous Liquids using a Bench-top Workstation
GERSTEL Application Note No. 187, 2016 Automating the Accurate Transfer of Highly Volatile to Highly Viscous Liquids using a Bench-top Workstation Fred D. Foster1, John R. Stuff1, Edward A. Pfannkoch1, Paul Graaf2 1. GERSTEL, Inc., 701 Digital Drive, Suite J,…
Klíčová slova
transferred, transferredmps, mpsdifference, differencegerstel, gerstelmean, meanliquids, liquidsliquid, liquidviscous, viscoustransfer, transferpentane, pentanevolatile, volatilevial, vialmaestro, maestroreceiving, receivingmoves