Filtration Option for 4 mm Filters - Specifications
Brožury a specifikace | 2015 | GERSTELInstrumentace
GC, Příprava vzorků, HPLC
Klíčová slovatray, filtration, filter, syringe, filtrate, multipurpose, drawn, cellulose, gerstel, container, mouseclick, holder, sampler, option, waste, discarded, operation, pvdf, maestro, trays, selectable, membranes, nylon, sample, components, regenerated, syringes, sealed, alone, unwanted, passed, station, polypropylene, stand, pore, attached, expanded, sizes, ptfe, velocity, improvement, filters, stainless, operated, steel, placed, temperature, open, characteristics, vials
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Universal Filtration Option - Specifications
|GERSTEL|Brožury a specifikace
Universal Filtration Option Specifications Uses System Requirements The Universal Filtration Option for the GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS) provides automated sample filtration for up to 12 samples. The filtration step can be inserted into any part of a sample preparation and…
Klíčová slova
filtration, filtrationtray, trayfilter, filtersyringe, syringefiltrate, filtratemultipurpose, multipurposegerstel, gerstelstation, stationvial, vialuniversal, universalsampler, sampleroption, optiondiameters, diametersdrawn, drawncellulose
Automating the Accurate Transfer of Highly Volatile to Highly Viscous Liquids using a Bench-top Workstation
GERSTEL Application Note No. 187, 2016 Automating the Accurate Transfer of Highly Volatile to Highly Viscous Liquids using a Bench-top Workstation Fred D. Foster1, John R. Stuff1, Edward A. Pfannkoch1, Paul Graaf2 1. GERSTEL, Inc., 701 Digital Drive, Suite J,…
Klíčová slova
transferred, transferredgerstel, gerstelmps, mpsdifference, differencemean, meanliquids, liquidsliquid, liquidviscous, viscoustransfer, transferpentane, pentanevolatile, volatilevial, vialmaestro, maestroreceiving, receivingmoves
GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station mVAP
|GERSTEL|Brožury a specifikace
GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station mVAP Fully automated solvent evaporation integrated with your sample preparation VAP: Simultaneous evaporative concentration of up to 6 samples m The GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station (mVAP) performs solvent evaporation enabling automated sample concentration for lower limits…
Klíčová slova
evaporation, evaporationmvap, mvapgerstel, gerstelmaestro, maestrosolvent, solventprepahead, prepaheadpreparation, preparationvap, vapconcentration, concentrationsample, samplemps, mpssequence, sequenceexchange, exchangespe, spestation
MAESTRO Software
|GERSTEL|Brožury a specifikace
MAESTRO Software Unparalleled productivity and ease of use Comprehensive sample preparation Full integration into Agilent ChemStation Unique graphical sequence scheduler GERSTEL MAESTRO Software The MAESTRO software provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for the modern laboratory. All GERSTEL modules and…
Klíčová slova
extraction, extractionmaestro, maestrosequence, sequencescheduler, schedulerprepbuilder, prepbuilderfunction, functionmouse, mousesample, sampleautomated, automatedgraphical, graphicalhelp, helpmicro, microsolid, solidheadspace, headspaceeasy