Improving Confidence in Compound Identification Using Agilent Curated Databases and Libraries
Technické články | 2017 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovapcdl, spectra, accurate, compound, mass, pcdls, masshunter, compounds, tof, curation, agilent, rts, databases, each, libraries, identifiers, entry, data, database, import, charge, ion, library, fragment, rejected, formula, curated, abundance, toxicology, tags, personal, spectral, synonyms, acquired, manager, can, information, subformula, total, search, create, qualitative, number, rankings, pesticides, entries, process, identification, using, prioritized
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E&L: Streamlining LC/MS and GC/MS Workflows
2018|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
E&L: Streamlining LC/MS and GC/MS Workflows ASMS 2018 San Diego Smriti Khera, Ph.D. Pharma Segment Manager [email protected] 1 For Research Use Only Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Agilent’s Comprehensive Solutions for Extractable Profiling Sophisticated data analysis and identification 2…
Klíčová slova
pcdl, pcdlprofinder, profinderrtl, rtlspectra, spectrafeature, featuremasshunter, masshunterextractables, extractablesgeneralized, generalizedmass, massprofiler, profileragilent, agilentcorrelator, correlatormetlin, metlincurated, curatedunknowns
Agilent Forensic Toxicology LC/MS Personal Compound Database and Library
2016|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
SIMPLIFY YOUR COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING OF FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY COMPOUNDS Agilent Forensic Toxicology LC/MS Personal Compound Database and Library Confidently perform target and suspect screening using accurate mass Forensic toxicological analysis of biological samples is challenging due to the large number of…
Klíčová slova
pcdl, pcdlforensic, forensictoxicology, toxicologyyou, yoususpect, suspectscreening, screeningyour, yourspectra, spectralibrary, librarydata, dataagilent, agilentaccurate, accuratetof, tofperform, performmine
LC/Q-TOF Workflows for Comprehensive Micropollutant Analysis
2017|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
LC/Q-TOF Workflows for Comprehensive Micropollutant Analysis Targeted Quantification, Suspect Screening, and Unknown Compound Identification Application Note Environmental Authors Abstract Christoph Moschet and This application note presents three complementary LC/Q-TOF workflows Thomas M. Young designed to provide comprehensive analysis of micropollutants…
Klíčová slova
tps, tpstof, tofplausible, plausiblepcdl, pcdlagilent, agilentspectra, spectraunknown, unknowncompound, compoundsuspect, suspectidentification, identificationprespiked, prespikedcompounds, compoundswere, weretargeted, targetedscreening
Targeted Data Mining and Annotation of Untargeted High-Resolution Lipidomics Data
2024|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Lipidomics Targeted Data Mining and Annotation of Untargeted High-Resolution Lipidomics Data A comprehensive, high-confidence workflow Authors Sheher Banu Mohsin, Layla Cosovic, Mark Sartain, Tracy Blethen, Pietro Morlacchi, and Daniel Cuthbertson Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Complete and unambiguous characterization…
Klíčová slova
tof, toflipid, lipidlipidomics, lipidomicsprofiler, profileragilent, agilentlipids, lipidsmass, massuntargeted, untargetedrevident, revidentdata, dataprofessional, professionalsoftware, softwaretargeted, targetedpcdl, pcdlhigh