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Artificial Photosynthesis -Photocatalyst Characterization and Product Quantification
C10G-E104 Analytical Solutions for Artificial Photosynthesis -Photocatalyst Characterization and Product Quantification- Toward a Carbon Neutral Society What’s Artificial Photosynthesis Artificial photosynthesis is a technology that artificially performs photosynthesis using photocatalysts and sunlight. It is expected to be a next-generation renewable…
Klíčová slova
chromatograph, chromatographphotoreaction, photoreactionphotosynthesis, photosynthesisgas, gasフォトン, フォトンreaction, reactionmeasurement, measurementlightway, lightwayquantum, quantumスペクトル, スペクトルproduct, producthydrogen, hydrogenphotons, photonsサービス, サービスmicropacked
Shimadzu UV Talk letter Vol. 21
Shimadzu UV Talk letter Vol. 21
C101-E176A Vol. 21 Effect of Measurement Parameters on UV-VIS Absorption Spectra ------- 02 Applications Examples of Analysis Using Micro-Volume Measurement Cells ------- 06 Q&A What is the difference between absorbance and optical density (O.D.)? ------- 13 PQY-01 Photoreaction Evaluation System…
Klíčová slova
traycell, traycellstick, sticklight, lightnano, nanomeasurement, measurementwavelength, wavelengthintervals, intervalsslit, slitwidth, widthcells, cellsoptical, opticallightway, lightwaypath, pathabsorption, absorptionlength
Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instrument
Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instrument
2023|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
C10G-E050E Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments 2023 Providing people with an abundant, comfortable, and secure lifestyle Contributing to the happiness of society. This is our goal and our specialty. At Shimadzu, we provide a variety of analytical and measuring technologies…
Klíčová slova
systems, systemsmeasurement, measurementray, raymass, masstesting, testinginspection, inspectiondestructive, destructivetoc, tocseries, seriesanalysis, analysissystem, systemchromatograph, chromatographlabsolutions, labsolutionsrange, rangeproperties
Investigation of photochemical reactions using the Cary 50/60 UV-Vis
Investigation of photochemical reactions using the Cary 50/60 UV-Vis Application Note Chemical Author Introduction Jeffrey Comerford, PhD. A photochemical reaction is a reaction that is initiated by the absorption of light. The reaction may then proceed with or without continuous…
Klíčová slova
photochemical, photochemicallight, lightirradiating, irradiatingferrioxalate, ferrioxalateirradiation, irradiationreaction, reactionabsorbance, absorbancesensitive, sensitivephoto, photoabsorbed, absorbedactinometers, actinometerseinsteins, einsteinsintensity, intensityactinometer, actinometerisol
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.