A Guide to Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in the Laboratory
Technické články | 2014 | Parker HannifinInstrumentace
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ZaměřeníVýrobceKlíčová slovacylinders, cylinder, compressed, safety, gas, regulators, handling, should, risks, parker, plan, gases, tanks, must, directors, hannifin, pressure, cart, house, workspace, can, msds, administrative, employees, safe, sheets, devices, defective, vented, laboratory, generators, fix, situation, when, areas, supplier, personnel, don’t, regulator, comprehensive, storing, combust, carefully, hydraulics, delivered, knowledge, filtration, carts, straps, also
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Handling, storage, and use of compressed gas cylinders
2015|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 10 Handling, storage, and use of compressed gas cylinders Air Products would like to ensure the safe handling of our products. As our customer, you need to share in the responsibility for safe handling, storage, and use of our…
Klíčová slova
cylinder, cylindercylinders, cylinderscompressed, compressedvalve, valveuse, usestore, storegases, gasesfrom, fromoutlet, outletgas, gasflames, flamesppe, ppenever, neverhandling, handlingstorage
Emergency action for handling leaking compressed gas cylinders
2015|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 11 Emergency action for handling leaking compressed gas cylinders Air Products takes every reasonable precaution to see that its products come to you safely. This concern for safety doesn’t end with delivery, but should be continued by you and…
Klíčová slova
emergency, emergencysupplier, supplierleaks, leakscylinders, cylinderscorrosives, corrosivesaction, actioncylinder, cylinderproper, properleaking, leakinghazards, hazardsfire, firepoisonous, poisonousproblem, problemany, anyclosing
Safety - Carbon dioxide
2014|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 18 Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is nonflammable, colorless, and odorless in the gaseous and liquid states. Carbon dioxide is a minor but important constituent of the atmosphere, averaging about 0.036% or 360 ppm by volume. It is also a…
Klíčová slova
dioxide, dioxidecarbon, carboncylinder, cylindercylinders, cylinderspersonnel, personneldot, dotnonflammable, nonflammableshipped, shippedstored, storedrescue, rescuehandling, handlingbulk, bulkeffects, effectstapered, taperedemergency
Safety - Carbon monoxide
2014|Air Products|Technické články
Safetygram 19 Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, flammable, toxic gas. High-purity carbon monoxide that is dry and free of sulfur compounds is normally noncorrosive to metals at atmospheric pressure. Lower-purity grades containing moisture, sulfur compounds and other…
Klíčová slova
monoxide, monoxidecarbon, carboncylinder, cylindervalve, valvecylinders, cylindersstem, stempressure, pressurerelief, reliefflammable, flammableexposure, exposureconnections, connectionsdiaphragm, diaphragmseal, sealmust, mustfusible