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Analysis of Voglibose Using an Agilent LC with Mass Selective Detection - A cost-effective, efficient, and sensitive alternative to traditional fluorescence detection


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Separation of Metformin and Voglibose Using a Thermo Scientific Accucore HILIC HPLC Column
Krishna Rao Dara, Prakash Chander, Dr. Tushar N Mehta, Centre of Excellence for Asia Pacific Laboratory, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ahmedabad, India Appli c at i on N ot e 2 0 5 2 5 Separation of Metformin and Voglibose Using…
Klíčová slova
voglibose, voglibosemetformin, metforminaccucore, accucorehilic, hilicakums, akumsarb, arbseparation, separationoptima, optimaoral, oralscientific, scientificpressure, pressurepharma, pharmahyperglycemic, hyperglycemicanti, antisrm
APPLICATION NOTEBOOK - IMPURITIES - Developing Safe and Effective Drugs
[ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] IMPURITIES Developing Safe and Effective Drugs INT RODUCTION NAVIGATION T he pharmaceutical industry is integral in maintaining public health by providing therapeutic and preventative medicines. T he cornerstones of bringing new medicines to market are quality,…
Klíčová slova
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Simultaneous Determination of Eight Nitrosamine Impurities in Metformin Extended-Release Tablets Using the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Application Note Pharmaceutical Small Molecules Simultaneous Determination of Eight Nitrosamine Impurities in Metformin Extended-Release Tablets Using the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Detection of regulated genotoxic impurities from the drug manufacturing process Authors Chander Mani, Kartheek Srinivas Chidella, Saikat Banerjee,…
Klíčová slova
nitrosamine, nitrosaminenmpa, nmpandipa, ndipandpa, ndpandba, ndbaneipa, neipandea, ndeanmba, nmbaresponses, responsesndma, ndmaimpurities, impuritiesmetformin, metformindrug, drugeight, eightconcentration
Highly sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS solution for quantitation of nitrosamine impurities in metformin drug products
APPLICATION NOTE 74059 Highly sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS solution for quantitation of nitrosamine impurities in metformin drug products Authors: Hao Yang1, Edmund Moy1, Michael Volny1, Claudia Martins1, Min Du2, Wael Elmasri3, Tanya Tadey4 Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA; Thermo…
Klíčová slova
nitrosamines, nitrosaminesnitrosamine, nitrosaminendma, ndmadrug, drugnmpa, nmpametformin, metforminndba, ndbandea, ndeanmba, nmbanmea, nmeanpyr, npyrneipa, neipandipa, ndipandpa, ndpaisotopes
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.