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Transfer the EP/USP Method for Atorvastatin from a Traditional 5-μm Column to an Agilent Poroshell 120 Column


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Agilent LC Method Development Applications Notebook
Agilent LC Method Development Applications Notebook
2017|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Agilent LC Method Development Applications Notebook CREATING CONSISTENT, EFFICIENT, AND COST-EFFECTIVE ANALYTICAL LC METHODS OPTIMIZED LC WORKFLOWS MAXIMIZE METHOD DEVELOPMENT EFFICIENCY Today’s method development demands flexible, highly efficient initial development, screening, and method transfer across HPLC and UHPLC systems. The…
Klíčová slova
min, minmau, maumethod, methoddevelopment, developmentagilent, agilentscouting, scoutingretention, retentiontime, timezorbax, zorbaxiset, isetcolumns, columnsemulation, emulationcolumn, columnmobile, mobileporoshell
A Look at Column Choices
A Look at Column Choices
2015|Agilent Technologies|Prezentace
A Look at Column Choices Mark Powell Applications Engineer Columns and Supplies Technical Support Confidentiality Label April 8, 2015 1 Overview What to consider when choosing a column? • Column chemistry • Silica surface • Bonded phase • End-capping •…
Klíčová slova
confidential, confidentialconfidentiality, confidentialitybonded, bondedmau, mauparticle, particleporous, porousagilent, agilentphase, phaselabel, labelsize, sizeselectivity, selectivitychange, changetotally, totallydiffusion, diffusionresolution
Updating Old Methods:Is the Gain Worth the Pain? - Becoming a Better Chromatographer HPLC educational webinar
Updating Old Methods: Is the Gain Worth the Pain? Becoming a Better Chromatographer HPLC educational webinar Mark Powell Applications Engineer Columns and Supplies Technical Support Why Would You Consider Updating? What Is the Goal? • Do I need to update?…
Klíčová slova
mau, mauchiral, chiralinfinitylab, infinitylabmin, minporoshell, poroshellparticle, particlecolumn, columnagilent, agilentdeemter, deemterallowed, alloweddiffusion, diffusionvan, vanchanges, changesphase, phasemobile
Perform Rugged, Fast LC with Confidence - Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 columns for HPLC and UHPLC
Perform Rugged, Fast LC with Confidence Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 columns for HPLC and UHPLC 2 A Tradition of Innovation and Efficiency More than 15 years ago, Agilent introduced the industry's first superficially porous column technology with Poroshell 300 for…
Klíčová slova
mau, mauchiral, chiralmin, minhilic, hilicinfinitylab, infinitylabproprietary, proprietarybest, bestsize, sizepfp, pfphexyl, hexylpolar, polarphenyl, phenylyour, yourporoshell, poroshellbonus
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.