TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS Veterinary Drug Application Kit
Ostatní | 2012 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
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VýrobceAgilent Technologies
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TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS Pesticide Application Kit
2012|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
SIMPLIFY YOUR STARTUP FOR UNTARGETED PESTICIDE SCREENING TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS Pesticide Application Kit Agilent LC/MS Application Kits Screen samples quickly and easily using pretested methods and a Pesticide Accurate Mass Database and Library Conventional multi-target pesticide screening methods are…
Klíčová slova
screening, screeningpesticide, pesticidetof, tofpretested, pretestedagilent, agilentrrlc, rrlcyour, youryou, youstartup, startupdatabase, databaseapplication, applicationmethods, methodspesticides, pesticidestest, testkits
TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS Forensic Toxicology PCDL and Application Kit
2016|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
SIMPLIFY YOUR STARTUP FOR UNTARGETED DRUG SCREENING TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS Forensic Toxicology PCDL and Application Kit Screen samples quickly and easily using the Forensic Toxicology Accurate Mass Database and Library Conventional multi-target forensic screening methods are based upon triple…
Klíčová slova
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QQQ LC/MS Forensic Toxicology MRM Database and Application Kit
2016|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
SIMPLIFY YOUR STARTUP FOR TARGETED DRUG SCREENING QQQ LC/MS Forensic Toxicology MRM Database and Application Kit Minimize the need for tedious manual method development with pretested methods and a triggered MRM (tMRM) database and reference library The following components are…
Klíčová slova
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Agilent Veterinary Drug LC/MS Personal Compound Database and Library
2016|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
SIMPLIFY YOUR COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING OF VETERINARY DRUGS Agilent Veterinary Drug LC/MS Personal Compound Database and Library Triple quadrupole LC/MS methods are considered the “gold standard” for multiclass veterinary drug analysis of meat or other foods. These methods are ideal for…
Klíčová slova
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