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Method Transfer of a Fast Gradient from a Binary HPLC to an Arc HPLC System


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Waters Arc HPLC
Waters Arc HPLC
2020|Waters|Brožury a specifikace
Arc HPLC PERFORMANCE YOU NEED, RESULTS YOU CAN TRUST ENSURE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR ROUTINE ANALYSIS Ever-evolving regulations are impacting LC method approaches for product quality control and beyond. Count on the Arc™ HPLC System for high-efficiency separations to help meet…
Klíčová slova
arc, archplc, hplccompetitive, competitivesystem, systemusp, uspapi, apibinary, binaryrepeatability, repeatabilitylosartan, losartanmin, minyour, yourtailing, tailingarea, areaassay, assaydesigned
Migrating Peptide Mapping Methods from the Arc™ Premier System to the Alliance™ iS Bio System with Gradient SmartStart Technology and Intelligent Method Translator App (iMTA)
Application Note Migrating Peptide Mapping Methods from the Arc™ Premier System to the Alliance™ iS Bio System with Gradient SmartStart Technology and Intelligent Method Translator App (iMTA) Duanduan Han, Robert E. Birdsall, Karen Nyholm Waters Corporation Abstract The Alliance iS…
Klíčová slova
imta, imtasmartstart, smartstartalliance, alliancetranslator, translatorapp, appmigrating, migratingbio, bioarc, arcpremier, premiersystem, systemintelligent, intelligentmapping, mappinggradient, gradientpeptide, peptidetechnology
Simplifying Methods Transfer: Novel Tools for Replicating Your Established Methods on an ACQUITY Arc System
Simplifying Methods Transfer: Novel Tools for Replicating Your Established Methods on an ACQUITY Arc System Paula Hong, Richard Andrews, Peyton C. Beals, and Patricia R. McConville Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA A P P L I C AT I O…
Klíčová slova
arc, arcsmartstart, smartstartacquity, acquityflavone, flavonereserpine, reserpineretention, retentiongradient, gradientsulfadimethoxine, sulfadimethoxinediphenhydramine, diphenhydramineadjustment, adjustmentdiclofenac, diclofenacacetaminophen, acetaminophensystem, systemcaffeine, caffeineminutes
Dwell Volume and Extra-Column Volume: What Are They and How Do They Impact Method Transfer?
[ WHITE PAPER ] Dwell Volume and Extra-Column Volume: What Are They and How Do They Impact Method Transfer? Paula Hong and Patricia R. McConville Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA A chromatographic separation is impacted by numerous factors, including the…
Klíčová slova
extra, extradwell, dwellvolume, volumeuplc, uplcpaper, papercolumn, columnwhite, whiteacquity, acquityhplc, hplcquaternary, quaternarysystem, systemplus, plusclass, classeffects, effectsuhplc
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.