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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.

Assessing the Chromatographic Performance of Small Polar Compounds when Using HILIC-based LC-MS Chromatography for Metabolomic Studies


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Developing High Resolution HILIC Separations of Intact Glycosylated Proteins Using a Wide-Pore Amide-Bonded Stationary Phase
Developing High Resolution HILIC Separations of Intact Glycosylated Proteins Using a Wide-Pore Amide-Bonded Stationary Phase Matthew A. Lauber, Scott A. McCall, Bonnie A. Alden, Pamela C. Iraneta, and Stephan M. Koza Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA A P P L…
Klíčová slova
hilic, hilicamide, amideintact, intactbeh, behseparations, separationspore, poreglycosylated, glycosylatedbonded, bondedstationary, stationaryrnase, rnaseglycoprotein, glycoproteinphase, phasedeveloping, developingproteins, proteinsglycan
Introducing Atlantis BEH Z-HILIC: A Zwitterionic Stationary Phase Based on Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Particles
Application Note Introducing Atlantis BEH Z-HILIC: A Zwitterionic Stationary Phase Based on Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Particles Thomas H. Walter, Kenneth D. Berthelette, Amit Patel, Bonnie A. Alden, Justin McLaughlin, Jessica Field, Nicole Lawrence, Steve Shiner Waters Corporation Abstract Among the many…
Klíčová slova
acquity, acquitybeh, behzwitterionic, zwitterionicpda, pdauplc, uplchilic, hilictest, testbatch, batchclass, classtuv, tuvstationary, stationaryconditions, conditionsselectivity, selectivitystability, stabilityreproducibility
Improved Separation of RNA Nucleotides,  Nucleosides, and Nucleobases on Atlantis  Premier BEH Z-HILIC Columns
Application Note Improved Separation of RNA Nucleotides, Nucleosides, and Nucleobases on Atlantis Premier BEH Z-HILIC Columns Kenneth D. Berthelette, Steve Shiner, Thomas H. Walter, Jennifer M. Nguyen, Jonathan E. Turner Waters Corporation Abstract The use of novel HILIC stationary phases…
Klíčová slova
hilic, hilicbeh, behpremier, premiernucleotides, nucleotidesmaxpeak, maxpeakstationary, stationarynucleosides, nucleosidesatlantis, atlantishps, hpshardware, hardwarerna, rnaphases, phasescritical, criticalsurfaces, surfacesquarternary
Analysis of Rat Urine Using Rapid Microbore Metabolic Profiling (RAMMP) HILIC Chromatography with Ion Mobility-MS
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Analysis of Rat Urine Using Rapid Microbore Metabolic Profiling (RAMMP) HILIC Chromatography with Ion Mobility-MS Adam King, 1 Lauren Mullin, 2 Paul Rainville, 2 Robert Plumb, 2 Ian Wilson3 1 Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK 2 Waters…
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rammp, rammphilic, hilicprofiling, profilingmetabolic, metabolicmicrobore, microboremobility, mobilityrat, ratrapid, rapidincreased, increasedurine, urineccs, ccsims, imschromatography, chromatographyopls, oplsion
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.