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A new method for the analysis of increased D-amino acids in proteins due to aging


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Identification of Amino Acid Isomers Using Electron Capture Dissociation in the Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF System
Application Note Biopharma Identification of Amino Acid Isomers Using Electron Capture Dissociation in the Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF System Authors Rachel Franklin and Joseph Meeuwsen Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Accurately determining the amino acid sequence is crucial for understanding a…
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fragmentation, fragmentationexd, exdisoasp, isoaspleu, leuecd, ecdile, ileelectron, electronexdviewer, exdviewerisobaric, isobaricamino, aminoside, sidereallyisodelightflk, reallyisodelightflkcell, cellchain, chaintof
Quantification of Frataxin-M Protein, a Blood Biomarker of the Rare Disease Friedreich’s Ataxia
Application Note Clinical Research Quantification of Frataxin-M Protein, a Blood Biomarker of the Rare Disease Friedreich’s Ataxia Using the Agilent 6495 triple quadrupole LC/MS system Authors Abstract Nicolas Eskenazi, Teerapat Rojsajjakul, Clementina Mesaros, and Ian A. Blair Penn/CHOP Friedreich’s Ataxia…
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frataxin, frataxinfrda, frdananoflow, nanoflowfriedreich, friedreichblood, bloodataxia, ataxiadynabeads, dynabeadsgaa, gaaprm, prmuhplc, uhplcwere, weremitochondrial, mitochondrialsilac, silaclabeled, labeledpeptide
Differentiation of isobaric residues in SPITC-derivatized tryptic peptides using MS/MS technique in a Curved Field Reflectron
Differentiation of isobaric residues in SPITC-derivatized tryptic peptides using MS/MS technique in a Curved Field Reflectron. Yuzo Yamazaki, Keisuke Shima SHIMADZU CORPORATION, Kyoto, Japan Overview 3: Results 3-1: Differentiation of Ile/Leu 3-2: Differentiation of a- and bAsp(4) Specific fragment ions…
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xle, xlepsd, psdspitc, spitccid, cidcooh, coohleu, leuile, iletryptic, trypticcasein, caseinpeptide, peptidetvld, tvldderivatized, derivatizedderivertization, derivertizationsgisevr, sgisevrisobaric
Enhancing The Quality Of Peptide Mapping Separation For The Analysis Of PTM
Enhancing The Quality Of Peptide Mapping Separation For The Analysis Of PTM Application Note Biotherapeutics and Biosimilars Author Introduction Suresh Babu C.V. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) on proteins such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are critical quality attributes (CQAs) that define the…
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peptide, peptidecounts, countsntaylqmnslr, ntaylqmnslradvancebio, advancebiodltmisr, dltmisrmab, mabeeeqynstr, eeeqynstrptms, ptmsdeamidated, deamidatedplus, plusdigest, digestmapping, mappingseparation, separationnonoxidized, nonoxidizedtryptic
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