Analysis of Formaldehyde in Drinking Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8050]
Aplikace | 2016 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
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Klíčová slovaformaldehyde, acetaldehyde, dnph, derivatization, water, derivatized, drinking, ministerial, ordinance, test, prescriptions, concerning, spike, dechlorination, addition, pretreatment, method, extraction, chromatography, stand, derivatizationliquid, standard, flows, recovery, hexane, flow, spectrometry, news, mass, gas, areas, liquid, revisions, both, mrm, standing, blank, temperature, internal, reference, nacl, performed, solvent, new, nebulizing, solution, without, third, block, heater
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Analysis of Formaldehyde in Drinking Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8050]
LAAN-A-LM-E099 Application News Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Formaldehyde in Drinking Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8050] C128 No. Formaldehyde is highly toxic and the levels are regulated in many products, including cosmetics, textiles, household products, and indoor (work)…
Klíčová slova
formaldehyde, formaldehydeacetaldehyde, acetaldehydednph, dnphderivatization, derivatizationwater, waterderivatized, derivatizeddrinking, drinkingministerial, ministerialordinance, ordinancetest, testprescriptions, prescriptionsconcerning, concerningspike, spikedechlorination, dechlorinationaddition
Analysis of Formaldehyde by the Derivatization- High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method, in Compliance with Water Quality Standards
LAAN-A-LC-E284 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Application News Analysis of Formaldehyde by the DerivatizationHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography Method, in Compliance with Water Quality Standards L508 No. Revisions to the ministerial ordinance related to water quality standards were announced on March 30…
Klíčová slova
formaldehyde, formaldehydetap, tapwater, watervalidity, validityderivatizationhigh, derivatizationhighstandard, standardsolution, solutionguidelines, guidelinesderivatization, derivatizationcompliance, compliancequality, qualityministerial, ministerialnews, newsmau, mauordinance
Data on Tap Water Quality Standards
LAAN-C-XX-E009 Environment Application Note No.9 (Environment) Data on Tap Water Quality Standards S.HASHIMOTO, K.TANAKA, T.HOSHI, M.TANAKA, K.ABO, M.KOBAYASHI, K.NAKAGAWA 1. Tap Water Quality Standard Water quality standards for tap water are established to protect water quality so that people can…
Klíčová slova
solid, solidextraction, extractionphase, phaseitem, itemwater, watericp, icpabsorption, absorptionquality, qualitytap, tapaes, aesphotometry, photometryflameless, flamelessatomic, atomicmodeevent, modeeventuag
Analysis of Phenols in Drinking Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8040)
LAAN-A-LM-E067 Application News C96 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Phenols in Drinking Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8040) No. (×1,000) 0.5 93.0 > 65.0 127.0 > 35.1 127.0 > 35.1 161.0 >125.0 161.0 > 35.1 194.9 >35.1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.0…
Klíčová slova
phenol, phenolphenols, phenolsnotification, notificationdesignated, designatedsolid, solidrecovery, recoverydewatering, dewateringdrinking, drinkingtemperature, temperaturemethacrylic, methacrylicnews, newswater, waterconcentration, concentrationphase, phasemrm