Targeted metabonomic study of plasma from rats with acute colitis using LCMS-IT-TOF based metabonomics
Postery | 2016 | Shimadzu | PittconInstrumentace
Klíčová slovametabonomics, esi, metabonomic, colitis, rats, acute, lcms, tof, targeted, plasma, phenylacetylglycine, potential, study, from, based, glucuronide, cresol, screened, biomarkers, phenylacetglycine, phenylacetylglycinea, markers, tnbs, lysopcs, metabolic, serum, using, venous, blood, butyryl, metabolites, vip, collected, carnitine, simca, inflammation, intensity, massive, orbital, arachidonic, cdl, pharmacological, intestinal, metlin, method, invasive, screening, existence, precisions, systematically
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Ethanol-induced metabolomic differences in mice using HRAM Q-TOF analysis
PO-CON1887E Ethanol-induced metabolomic differences in mice using HRAM Q-TOF analysis ASMS 2019 Stephane Moreau1, Georgios Theodoridis2, Helen G. Gika3, Ian D Wilson4, Emily Armitage5, Olga Deda3, Christina Virgiliou2, Neil Loftus5 1 Shimadzu Europe GmbH, Duisburg, Germany 2 Department of Chemistry,…
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A Multi-omic Approach for the Study of Heart Regeneration Using Zebrafish as a Model Organism
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] A Multi-omic Approach for the Study of Heart Regeneration Using Zebrafish as a Model Organism Leanne Nye, 1,2 Lee A. Gethings, 2 Shuk Han Cheng, 3 Yun Wah Lam, 3 Fatemah Babei, 3 Alfred W. H…
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