Analysis of Galactolipids of Eukaryotic Algae by LC/MS/MS
Aplikace | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
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Klíčová slovagalactolipids, gracilis, euglena, dgdg, mgdg, eukaryotic, plants, algae, fatty, adduct, activities, autotrophs, chloroplasts, euglenids, galactolipid, photoautotrophically, formate, thylakoid, lipids, membrane, chloroplast, proliferate, powder, bond, antitumor, starvation, unicellular, have, photosynthetic, news, trademarks, geometric, cultivated, shimadzu, ion, detected, gaining, findings, galactose, backbone, medicinal, indicators, atoms, glycerol, gas, phosphorus, analysis, acknowledgments, names, party
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Development of Profiling Method for Major Lipids in Blood by Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS
Application News High Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer LCMS™-8060 Development of Profiling Method for Major Lipids in Blood by Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS No. C237 M. Yamada, H. Kubo User Benefits Profiling analysis of the major lipids in blood is…
Klíčová slova
phospholipids, phospholipidsprofiling, profilinglipids, lipidslysophospholipids, lysophospholipidsplq, plqfatty, fattyphospholipid, phospholipidmajor, majorᵏᵑᵏᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵒᵽᵏᵖᵽᵎᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵔᵌᵓᵓᵜᵐᵖᵑᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵑᵓᵌᵎᵆᵓᵌᵎᵎᵇ, ᵏᵑᵏᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵒᵽᵏᵖᵽᵎᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵔᵌᵓᵓᵜᵐᵖᵑᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵑᵓᵌᵎᵆᵓᵌᵎᵎᵇᵏᵑᵏᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵒᵽᵏᵖᵽᵎᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵔᵌᵓᵓᵜᵑᵎᵑᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵐᵗᵌᵎᵆᵓᵌᵎᵎᵇ, ᵏᵑᵏᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵒᵽᵏᵖᵽᵎᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵔᵌᵓᵓᵜᵑᵎᵑᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵐᵗᵌᵎᵆᵓᵌᵎᵎᵇᵏᵑᵔᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵔᵽᵎᵽᵐᵐᵽᵔᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵐᵓᵓᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵑᵑᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇ, ᵏᵑᵔᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵔᵽᵎᵽᵐᵐᵽᵔᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵐᵓᵓᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵑᵑᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇᵏᵑᵔᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵔᵽᵎᵽᵐᵐᵽᵔᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵑᵐᵕᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵐᵖᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇ, ᵏᵑᵔᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵔᵽᵎᵽᵐᵐᵽᵔᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵑᵐᵕᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵐᵖᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇᵏᵑᵖᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵖᵽᵐᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵐᵕᵗᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵑᵑᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇ, ᵏᵑᵖᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵖᵽᵐᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵐᵕᵗᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵑᵑᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇᵏᵑᵖᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵖᵽᵐᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵑᵎᵑᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵐᵗᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇ, ᵏᵑᵖᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵔᵽᵏᵖᵽᵐᵽᵐᵎᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵐᵌᵓᵎᵜᵑᵎᵑᵌᵐᵓᵆᵋᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵐᵗᵌᵎᵆᵐᵎᵌᵎᵎᵇᵐᵑᵘᵮᵣᵆᵑᵖᵽᵒᵇᴾᵕᵔᵖᵌᵓᵓᵜᵔᵐᵕᵌᵓᵓᵆᵉᵇᴾᵡᵣᵘᴾᵋᵐᵏᵌᵎ
Increased Throughput and Confidence for Lipidomics Profiling Using Comprehensive HCD MS2 and CID MS2/MS3 on a Tribrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Reiko Kiyonami1, David A Peake1, Yasuto Yokoi2, and Ken Miller1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA; 2Mitsui Knowledge Industry, Tokyo, Japan Key Words Orbitrap Fusion Lumos MS, high resolution, accurate mass, lipid profiling, intelligent scan functions, triglyceride (TG),…
Klíčová slova
lipid, lipidfusion, fusionlumos, lumosorbitrap, orbitrapion, ionspecies, speciescharacterization, characterizationhcd, hcdlipidomics, lipidomicsids, idsmsn, msnprofiling, profilingmolecular, molecularlipids, lipidslipidsearch
Development of an Analytical Method for Blood Triglycerides Using Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
LCMS™-8060 High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer Application News Development of an Analytical Method for Blood Triglycerides Using Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Y. Umakoshi, T. Doriane, and M. Yamada User Benefits The method allows the measurement of 47 triglycerides of…
Klíčová slova
triglycerides, triglyceridesmrm, mrmhuman, humanfatty, fattyneutral, neutralblood, bloodchromatogram, chromatogramnews, newsmonitor, monitorplasma, plasmadetected, detectedserum, serumanalysis, analysismethod, methodtgs
Phospholipid analysis using SimLipid software
LAAN-A-LM-E120 Application News LC/MS Phospholipid analysis using SimLipid software No. C151 Phospholipids (PLs) have a role of constituting a cellular membrane in a living cell and are also related to produce various fatty acids such as arachidonic acids, EPA and…
Klíčová slova
pls, plssimlipid, simlipiddosing, dosingphospholipid, phospholipidphospholipids, phospholipidsprobe, probeprove, provetissue, tissuefluorescent, fluorescentcontrol, controlfluctuation, fluctuationdatabase, databasecandidates, candidatesliver, livercandidate