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Shimadzu Analysis Guidebook Pharmaceutical Analyses
C219-E001C Shimadzu Analysis Guidebook Pharmaceutical Analyses Index 1. General Pharmaceuticals 3. Quasi-Drugs 1. 1 Analysis of Cold Medicine - GC ··························································1 3. 1 Analysis of Hair Tonic - LC ······························································ 35 1. 2 High Speed Analysis of Cold Medicine (1)…
Klíčová slova
plq, plqflowrate, flowrateexplanation, explanationrpsrxqg, rpsrxqganalysis, analysisanalytical, analyticalconditions, conditionscolumn, columndetection, detectionmeasurement, measurementtoc, tocusing, usingdrugs, drugsointment, ointmentconducted
Improved Drug Impurity ID Efficiency under CMC using 2-D LC/MS
C146-E149A Improved Drug Impurity ID Efficiency under CMC using 2-D LC/MS GC/MS Technical Report No.3 Technical Report vol. 39 1. Introduction The analytical method development section in CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control) department of pharmaceutical company constitutes part of the…
Klíčová slova
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Analysis of Polymer Additives Using LCMS-2020
LAAN-A-LM-E042 Application News Liquid Chro ma t o g r a p h y Ma ss S p e c tro m e tr y N o . C71 Analysis of Polymer Additives Using LCMS-2020 Polymer materials such as plastic…
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esi, esinormal, normalcontainer, containertinuvinp, tinuvinppolymers, polymersplastic, plasticfood, foodadditives, additivesabsorbers, absorberspolymer, polymertic, ticpertaining, pertainingtro, trochro, chrodeprotonated
Measurement of Enzymatic Activities in Dried Blood Spots with On-Line Solid Phase Extraction-LC/MS/MS System
LAAN-A-LM-E110 Application News C139 No. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Enzymatic Activities in Dried Blood Spots with On-Line Solid Phase Extraction-LC/MS/MS System Lysosomes are a type of intracellular organelle that uses a variety of hydrolytic enzymes to digest waste…
Klíčová slova
idua, iduagaa, gaagla, glaμmol, μmolmin, minrvl, rvlwaist, waistsample, samplecto, ctoenzymatic, enzymaticsolvent, solventspe, spedbs, dbsblank, blankspots
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