Analysis of Impurities of Ru Dye (N719) for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Aplikace | | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníMateriálová analýza
Klíčová slovacooh, solar, doubly, dye, sensitized, ncs, scn, hooc, tetrabutylammonium, charged, ooc, coo, esi, excited, crystalline, electricity, tba, flow, dyes, silicon, type, mobile, adverse, thin, nebulizing, generates, introduce, manufactured, conversion, film, phase, impurity, temperature, probe, min, drying, now, gas, qualitative, system, being, example, column, voltage, cell, efficiency, program, amount, gradient, very
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Analysis of Geniposidic Acid and Chlorogenic Acid in Tochu Tea Using a Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8030]
LAAN-A-LM-E053 Application News Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Geniposidic Acid and Chlorogenic Acid in Tochu Tea Using a Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8030] C82 No. Tochu tea made using tochu (Eucommia ulmoides) leaves is well known as one of the…
Klíčová slova
geniposidic, geniposidictochu, tochuchlorogenic, chlorogenicacid, acidtea, teatemprature, tempratureeucommia, eucommiaulmoides, ulmoidesnenulizing, nenulizingvoltage, voltageiridoid, iridoidglucoside, glucosidenews, newsglc, glccaffeic
Analysis of Phenoxyproprionic Type Herbicides using LC-MS
LC-MS Application Data Sheet No. 047 Analysis of Phenoxyproprionic Type Herbicides using LC-MS Fluazifop, quizalofop-butyl, and other phenoxyproprionic agricultural chemicals are used widely throughout the world because they have strong herbicidal effects at low doses. The compound inhibits the biosynthesis…
Klíčová slova
fluazifop, fluazifopquizalofop, quizalofopesi, esicooh, coohcarboxylic, carboxylicphenoxyproprionic, phenoxyproprionicnegative, negativeagricultural, agriculturalsheet, sheetvoltage, voltagebuthyl, buthylarray, arraycarboxylase, carboxylaseethyl, ethylionizes
LAAN-A-LM-E041 Application News Liquid Chro ma t o g r a p h y Ma ss S p e c tro m e tr y N o . C70 Analysis of Water-Soluble Vitamins with Multi-Mode ODS Column Using LCMS-2020 Dietary…
Klíčová slova
vitamins, vitaminssoluble, solublenutritional, nutritionalfunctional, functionalcrush, crushtro, trochro, chromortar, mortarwater, waterweakly, weaklycereal, cerealnutrients, nutrientsquantitation, quantitationfood, foodflow
Qualitative Analysis of Tochu Tea Using a Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8030]
LAAN-A-LM-E054 Application News C83 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Qualitative Analysis of Tochu Tea Using a Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8030] No. The LCMS-8030 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer is used in qualitative analysis to conduct precursor ion scans to search for precursor…
Klíčová slova
chlorogenic, chlorogenicgeniposidic, geniposidicprecursor, precursorasperuloside, asperulosideacid, acidtochu, tochutemprature, tempratureion, ionscan, scansearch, searchsubstances, substancestea, teanenulizing, nenulizingvoltage, voltageiridoid