Novel Platform for Online Sample Preparation and LC-MS/MS Analysis of Drugs in Biological Matrices
Postery | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
Klíčová slovamorphine, clam, blood, codeine, thc, postmortem, heart, homogenate, nordiazepam, hydromorphone, hydrocodone, brain, cooh, alprazolam, drugs, femoral, sample, chest, approach, biohazardous, lcms, endanger, prep, spleen, increases, module, cavity, exposing, manual, cutoff, directly, ion, specimen, buprenorphine, throughput, laboratory, temperature, preparation, transfers, lorazepam, clonazepam, automated, fentanyl, gas, homogenized, qual, overlapping, product, quant, nebulizing
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Automating Sample Preparation for LCMS with Shimadzu’s CLAM-2000 SERIES
|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Automating Sample Preparation for LCMS with Shimadzu’s CLAM-2000 SERIES Conventional LCMS sample pretreatment for forensic samples, such as blood, urine, tissues, and oral fluid, typically involves a manual or semi-automatic process that can take many hours. These methods are time-consuming,…
Klíčová slova
sample, sampleillicit, illiciturine, urinefully, fullypreparation, preparationdrugs, drugslcms, lcmsautomated, automatedshimadzu, shimadzudispensing, dispensingerror, errorthc, thcaplrazolam, aplrazolampretreatment, pretreatmentlearn
Multi-Target Screening and Quantitation of 24 Drugs in Blood, Serum and Urine Using Automated Sample Preparation Coupled Directly to LC-MS/MS
FP 221 Multi-Target Screening and Quantitation of 24 Drugs in Blood, Serum and Urine Using Automated Sample Preparation Coupled Directly to LC-MS/MS Xiaomeng (Kate) Xia, Sarah Olive, M. Nazim Boutaghou, Rachel A. Lieberman Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, 7102 Riverwood Dr., Columbia,…
Klíčová slova
clam, clamserum, serumlcms, lcmsmeprobamate, meprobamatebenzoylecgonine, benzoylecgoninecarbamazepine, carbamazepineoxazepam, oxazepamfentanyl, fentanylmethamphetamine, methamphetaminemorphine, morphineamphetamine, amphetaminescreening, screeningformate, formateurine, urineforensic
Fully Automated Online Sample Preparation and LC-MS/MS Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Oral Fluids
PO-CON1753E Fully Automated Online Sample Preparation and LC-MS/MS Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Oral Fluids ASMS 2017 TP-442 Joshua F. Emory1, Nathan DeFreitas2, Michael Roberts1, Manoj Tyagi2, M. Nazim Boutaghou1, Brian J. Feild1 1 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD,…
Klíčová slova
abuse, abuseoral, oralfluids, fluidsonline, onlinefully, fullydrugs, drugsautomated, automatedpreparation, preparationmaleate, maleatesample, samplealpha, alphaanalysis, analysisoxalate, oxalatefentanyl, fentanylmorphine
Extraction of a Drugs of Abuse Panel from Whole Blood Using ISOLUTE® SLE+ Prior to UPLC-MS/MS Analysis
Application Note AN875 Extraction of a Drugs of Abuse Panel from Whole Blood Using ISOLUTE SLE+ | Page 1 ® Extraction of a Drugs of Abuse Panel from Whole Blood Using ISOLUTE SLE+ Prior to UPLC-MS/MS Analysis ® Sample Preparation…
Klíčová slova
gap, gapair, airextrahera, extraheradispense, dispenseyes, yestriazolam, triazolamwhole, wholealprazolam, alprazolamblood, bloodbiotage, biotagevolume, volumepause, pausezaleplone, zaleploneupper, upperdispensation