e-liquids, e-juices and nicotine liquids - Customized solutions for complete analysis
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Cannabis Testing Laboratory Solutions
2020|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Cannabis Testing Laboratory Solutions We are the cannabis testing instrument experts. When purchasing analytical equipment, it is important to know that you are not just buying an instrument but investing in your lab’s future. Shimadzu not only provides the instrumentation…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabistesting, testingpotency, potencycbga, cbgacbdv, cbdvcbc, cbccbda, cbdacbg, cbgcbn, cbncbd, cbdcannabinoids, cannabinoidsthcv, thcvthca, thcamycotoxins, mycotoxinsplatforms
Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Analysis in Vaping E-Liquid by UHPLC-PDA
No. SSI-HPLC-030 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Analysis in Vaping E-Liquid by UHPLC-PDA No. HPLC-030 ■ Introduction Vaping illnesses have been a growing concern for the CDC with over 2,000 known cases and 39 confirmed deaths so far…
Klíčová slova
vitamin, vitamintocopherol, tocopherolnicotine, nicotinealpha, alphacbd, cbdmau, maucbn, cbnliquid, liquidgamma, gammacoconut, coconutvaping, vapingwavelengths, wavelengthsacetate, acetateoverlay, overlayused
Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety
2018|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety C10G-E020C Analytical and Testing Instruments for Food Safety Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety World Map of Shimadzu Sales, Service, Manufacturing, and R&D Facilities Sales and Service Manufacturing R&D Shimadzu's Total Support for Food…
Klíčová slova
food, foodanalysis, analysisodor, odorsafety, safetyspectrometer, spectrometerchromatograph, chromatographforeign, foreigntesting, testingmoah, moahmosh, moshpesticides, pesticidesmatter, matterdatabase, databaseshimadzu, shimadzumass
Nicotine in E-liquids
AN-T-208 Nicotine in E-liquids Reliable and affordable determination by potentiometric titration Summary The vaping and electronic cigarette industries have grown impressively in the past decade. Usage among youths has increased from around 1% in 2011 to 10.5–27.5% in 2019 (preteens…
Klíčová slova
metrohm, metrohmnicotine, nicotinetitration, titrationtitrated, titratedpotentiometric, potentiometricequivalence, equivalencehydrochloric, hydrochloricstandardized, standardizedeasyclean, easycleanuntil, untilitrode, itrodestirrers, stirrersmsb, msbrel, reldiaphragm