Same Day HCP Workflow Has Become Reality!
Ostatní | 2020 | BrukerInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
Klíčová slovabct, ist, overnight, hcp, timstof, bruker, pro, pasef, kit, aldoc, arati, instagetip, istt, solutio, aldoa, flashnote, gpi, tei, day, promega, reality, hcps, workflow, daltonik, optimized, llc, using, daltonics, bremen, reserves, trypsin, after, employ, streamline, continually, same, biopharmaceutical, identifications, digested, today, preparing, newly, gmbh, strategy, looking, manufacturer, accordance, enhance, combining, instructions
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Standardized, high-throughput platform for automated, rapid, and extensive plasma proteome characterization
Standardized, high-throughput platform for automated, rapid, and extensive plasma proteome characterization Claudia Martelli1*; Fabian Wendt2*+; Andreas Schmidt3; Katrin Hartinger4; Gary Kruppa5; Nils A. Kulak4; Manuel Bauer2 1Bruker Switzerland AG, Fällanden, Switzerland; 2Tecan, Männedorf, Switzerland; 3Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG,…
Klíčová slova
plasma, plasmaist, istpreomics, preomicsenrich, enrichfluent, fluentbeads, beadstecan, tecanadd, addautomated, automatedmanual, manualtimstof, timstofprotein, proteinbruker, brukerabundance, abundancebuffy
In Depth Analysis of Host Cell Proteins from Antibody Preparations using PASEF
In Depth Analysis of Host Cell Proteins from Antibody Preparations using PASEF Introduction In the rapidly expanding arena of biotherapeutic analysis and bioprocess development, the analysis of host cell proteins (HCPs) at the ppm level is critical. ELISA is currently…
Klíčová slova
pasef, pasefhcps, hcpsbisphosphate, bisphosphatealdolase, aldolasenistmab, nistmabtims, timstimstof, timstofunreported, unreportedfructose, fructosepeptides, peptidesgranulins, granulinsmap, maphcp, hcpmobility, mobilitykda
Advanced host cell protein (HCP) analysis with TIMS QTOF MS powers biopharmaceutical development
2019|Bruker|Technické články
Biopharma Whitepaper Advanced host cell protein (HCP) analysis with TIMS QTOF MS powers biopharmaceutical development Introduction The recent rapid expansion of the biopharmaceutical field is driving the growth of biotherapeutic analysis and bioprocess development. The percentage of large molecules in…
Klíčová slova
hcp, hcptims, timsbiopharmaceutical, biopharmaceuticalbruker, brukerhcps, hcpspasef, pasefqtof, qtofdimension, dimensiondrug, drugcan, canccs, ccsresidual, residualbiotherapeutics, biotherapeuticsmay, mayintensity
Bruker Product Overview - Life Science Mass Spectrometry
2020|Bruker|Brožury a specifikace
Product Overview Life Science Mass Spectrometry Innovation with Integrity Mass Spectrometry Empowering Science with Innovation and Integrity As one of the world’s leading analytical instrumentation companies, Bruker offers a broad spectrum of advanced solutions in all fields of research and…
Klíčová slova
maldi, malditof, tofbruker, brukerpasef, pasefrapiflex, rapiflexevoq, evoqspectrometry, spectrometryscimax, scimaxtimstof, timstofmass, massmrms, mrmsproteomics, proteomicsmetaboscape, metaboscapelrf, lrfseries