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The combination of MALDI-2 and timsTOF fleX brings targeted drug imaging to the next level
The combination of MALDI-2 and timsTOF fleX brings targeted drug imaging to the next level Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) Imaging is a powerful tool for DMPK studies, providing untargeted and targeted measurements that can be deployed early in the discovery…
Klíčová slova
maldi, maldiimaging, imagingyyy, yyyintensity, intensitychloroquine, chloroquinebruker, brukersensitivity, sensitivitytreated, treatedabsolute, absoluteimages, imagesliver, liverionization, ionizationlaser, lasertissue, tissuereserpine
Bruker timsTOF fleX - MALDI Guided SpatialOMx
timsTOF MALDI Guided SpatialOMx Innovation with Integrity TIMS-MALDI MS MALDI Guided SpatialOMx The tumor microenvironment is a highly variable ecosystem, giving it an intrinsic temporal character. De-coding the cellular communication within the tumor microenvironment via label-free MALDI Imaging and x-omics…
Klíčová slova
maldi, malditimstof, timstofspatialomx, spatialomxflex, fleximaging, imagingbruker, brukerlaunches, launchesscils, scilstumor, tumorpasef, pasefmicroenvironment, microenvironmenttissue, tissueomics, omicslab, labtims
TIMS enabled quantification of small molecules in MALDI Imaging
TIMS enabled quantification of small molecules in MALDI Imaging timsTOF fleX was used to demonstrate quantitative mass spectrometry imaging on several drug compounds. Abstract timsTOF fleX was able to separate near-isobaric ions by their ion mobilities, significantly improving targeted compound…
Klíčová slova
timstof, timstofflex, flexmaldi, malditims, timsions, ionsgadavist, gadavisttopotecan, topotecanisobaric, isobaricqmsi, qmsitissue, tissuemmae, mmaeimaging, imagingintensity, intensitydrug, drughomogenate
High-throughput experimentation reaction monitoring and analysis of chemistry synthesis products with ultrahigh-throughput 4D timsTOF fleX MALDI-2 technology
High-throughput experimentation reaction monitoring and analysis of chemistry synthesis products with ultrahigh-throughput 4D timsTOF fleX MALDI-2 technology MALDI mass spectrometry is uniquely suited for high-throughput experimentation (HTE) chemical reaction monitoring by coupling it with trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) on…
Klíčová slova
maldi, maldiintensity, intensityccs, ccstims, timshte, htesynthesis, synthesiscollisional, collisionalexperimentation, experimentationwere, wereconfirmation, confirmationthroughput, throughputchemical, chemicaltimstof, timstofpicomoles, picomolesmsigma
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