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Customer Insights - Accelerating phosphoproteomics research with trapped ion mobility mass spectrometry (TIMS)


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Bruker timsTOF fleX - MALDI Guided SpatialOMx
timsTOF MALDI Guided SpatialOMx Innovation with Integrity TIMS-MALDI MS MALDI Guided SpatialOMx The tumor microenvironment is a highly variable ecosystem, giving it an intrinsic temporal character. De-coding the cellular communication within the tumor microenvironment via label-free MALDI Imaging and x-omics…
Klíčová slova
maldi, malditimstof, timstofspatialomx, spatialomxflex, fleximaging, imagingbruker, brukerlaunches, launchesscils, scilstumor, tumorpasef, pasefmicroenvironment, microenvironmenttissue, tissueomics, omicslab, labtims
Proteomic changes in tissue samples of mouse gastric carcinoma: Label-free quantitation on the timsTOF fleX with PASEF
Proteomic changes in tissue samples of mouse gastric carcinoma: Label-free quantitation on the timsTOF fleX with PASEF timsTOF fleX with PASEF enables deeper proteome coverage in shortest possible time, always with high sensitivity and robustness. Abstract The timsTOF fleX offers…
Klíčová slova
timstof, timstofpasef, paseftumor, tumorflex, flexreplicates, replicatesbiological, biologicalmouse, mousemcm, mcmlabel, labeltechnical, technicalreplication, replicationtissue, tissuelfq, lfqstomachs, stomachsprotein
diaPASEF: label-free quantification of highly complex proteomes
diaPASEF: label-free quantification of highly complex proteomes The timsTOF Pro with diaPASEF provides reproducible and accurate qualitative and quantitative results in complex proteomics samples – making it perfectly suited for data-independent acquisition approaches. Abstract Data-independent acquisition (DIA) promises reproducible and…
Klíčová slova
diapasef, diapasefhye, hyespectronaut, spectronautdia, diatimstof, timstofpasef, paseftriply, triplyproteomics, proteomicswindows, windowsproteomes, proteomesapproaches, approachesprotein, proteinion, ionpro, proquantification
Plasma proteomics goes high throughput – timsTOF Pro with PASEF and 4D feature alignment to quantify 500 plasma proteins in 11.5 min
Plasma proteomics goes high throughput – timsTOF Pro with PASEF and 4D feature alignment to quantify 500 plasma proteins in 11.5 min The timsTOF Pro with PASEF and the Evosep One for biomarker discovery in large sample cohorts of human…
Klíčová slova
timstof, timstofproteins, proteinsevosep, evosepprotein, proteinplasma, plasmaquantified, quantifiedpro, proidentifications, identificationspasef, pasefproteomics, proteomicsbiomarker, biomarkerdiscovery, discoveryblood, bloodthroughput, throughputmobility
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.