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The Xpose Algorithm: A New Tool to Simplify Comparative Sample Analysis


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Bruker MRMS Applications Handbook
Bruker MRMS Applications Handbook
MRMS Applications Handbook Cutting-Edge Research in MALDI Imaging, Metabolomics/Phenomics, Native MS and Petroleomics Innovation with Integrity MRMS Dear Mass Spec Customer, Thank you for your interest in Bruker's scimaX® and solariX-series instruments. Powered by MRMS (Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry), this…
Klíčová slova
maldi, maldiimaging, imagingmrms, mrmsbruker, brukermass, masssolarix, solarixmolecular, molecularwere, werespectrometry, spectrometrytissue, tissuedaltonics, daltonicscontinually, continuallyreserves, reservesmetabolites, metabolitescrude
MRMS aXelerate – rapidly detected micropollutants and plant response metabolites in poplar leaves
MRMS aXelerate – rapidly detected micropollutants and plant response metabolites in poplar leaves MRMS aXelerate is demonstrated to be a new and powerful workflow to rapidly profile plant extracts in a context of environmental pollution. This technique enables increased sample…
Klíčová slova
plant, plantmicropollutants, micropollutantsmetabolites, metabolitesplanted, plantedpoplar, poplaraxelerate, axeleratemrms, mrmspond, pondintensity, intensitywetland, wetlandannotation, annotationesi, esiseveral, severalannotations, annotationsisotopic
Detection of Plasticizers and Flame Retardants in Polymers by Pyrolysis GC-APCI QTOF MS
Detection of Plasticizers and Flame Retardants in Polymers by Pyrolysis GC-APCI QTOF MS The ability to confidently detect specific target compounds is critical in many analytical workflows related to human health and safety. In some cases, such screening is challenged…
Klíčová slova
tasq, tasqbruker, brukerqtof, qtofgear, gearcompounds, compoundsretardants, retardantsfabric, fabricflame, flameapci, apciplasticizers, plasticizerssuspect, suspectprotective, protectivemass, masspyrograms, pyrogramspyrolysis
Bruker scimaX MRMS - The Applications Book
The Applications Book Innovation with Integrity MRMS MRMS Enabling High Field Performance at 7T Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry (MRMS) is the panicle of mass spec in terms of mass accuracy, resolving power and flexibility. scimaX MRMS opens new analytical doors,…
Klíčová slova
intensity, intensityisotopic, isotopicmrms, mrmsmaldi, maldidbe, dbecasi, casiscimax, scimaxfidelity, fidelityfine, fineimaging, imagingmass, masskilgour, kilgourpetroleomics, petroleomicsstructure, structurepopulation
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.