Top 5 Pesticide Challenges in Cannabis
Ostatní | 2020 | SCIEXInstrumentace
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SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500 System Compendium Volume 1
Triple Quad™ 3500 System Compendium Volume 1 Contents SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 System Compendium Volume 1 Introduction – Discover Affordable LC-MS/MS 3. What is LC-MS/MS? 4. Making the Leap to LC-MS/MS from GC-MS 5. Expand Your Lab's Potential 8. Intuitive…
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2018|SCIEX|Brožury a specifikace
MODERN PERFORMANCE AT A VALUE Legendary power, speed, and accuracy are more affordable than ever SCIEX TRIPLE QUAD™ 3500 MASS SPEC SYSTEM Today is the day… A legend transformed Introducing the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500 Mass Spec System Take Charge…
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Establish Your Cannabis Lab Fast - Ready-to-run eMethods and applications for cannabis testing: an application compendium
2020|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
Establish Your Cannabis Lab Fast Ready-to-run eMethods and applications for cannabis testing: an application compendium Introduction Comprehensive Cannabis and Hemp Testing Setting up a cannabis testing lab is a major undertaking. Expertise is required in many areas, including business, process…
Klíčová slova
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Achieving the California Pesticide Regulations in Cannabis Using Optimized APCI and ESI Techniques
Achieving the California Pesticide Regulations in Cannabis Using Optimized APCI and ESI Techniques Diana Tran1, Karl Oetjen1, Robert Di Lorenzo2, Paul Winkler1, Scott Krepich3, KC Hyland1, Christopher Borton1 1 SCIEX, USA, 2SCIEX, Canada, 3Phenomenex, USA Cannabis testing regulations in the…
Klíčová slova
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