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Multi-panel detection of drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples using a comprehensive extraction method
Multi-panel detection of drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples using a comprehensive extraction method Using Scheduled MRM™ Algorithm on the SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ LC-MS/MS System Pierre Negri1, Samuele Scurati2, and Valentina Longo3 1 SCIEX, US, 2SCIEX, Italy, 3Laboratorio di…
Klíčová slova
hair, hairdrug, drugfentanyl, fentanyldoa, doadrugs, drugsreal, realmetabolites, metabolitessubjects, subjectsnps, npsetg, etgsamples, samplesfubinaca, fubinacapanels, panelsenabled, enabledrecent
Clam- SPE on line- UHPLC-MS/MS : Fully automatic, simultaneous and quickly quantification of drugs of abuse in blood, plasma and urine
#19d Clam- SPE on line- UHPLC-MS/MS : Fully automatic, simultaneous and quickly quantification of drugs of abuse in blood, plasma and urine. Maria Rosaria Innarella (1), Doriane Toinon (2), Mickael Nicolas (3), Tiphaine Robin (4), Alban Huteau (2), Thierry Besnard…
Klíčová slova
repeatability, repeatabilitythc, thcaccuracy, accuracymethiopropamine, methiopropaminenorfenfluramine, norfenfluraminepholcodine, pholcodinenorpseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrinenorephedrine, norephedrineanhydroecgonine, anhydroecgoninebdb, bdbethylmorphine, ethylmorphinembdb, mbdbmethylester, methylestermethcathinone, methcathinonenoroxycodone
Seamless automated sample preparation and analysis of DUID samples using high-resolution DIA QTOF library screening
Seamless automated sample preparation and analysis of DUID samples using high-resolution DIA QTOF library screening 1 Zarrouk ; 2 Barnes ; 3 Moreau ; 2 Loftus ; Elies Alan Stephane Neil Sylvain Souleiman El Franck 1CHU Limoges, Limoges, France; 2Shimadzu…
Klíčová slova
oral, oralfluid, fluidduid, duidlibrary, librarybenzoylecgonine, benzoylecgoninepatient, patientcao, caococaine, cocainehouse, houseautomated, automatedmethylester, methylesterpanel, panelecgonine, ecgoninepreparation, preparationspectrum
A Comprehensive Workflow for a Large Panel of Drugs of Abuse in Human Whole Blood by LC/MS/MS
Application Note Forensic Testing A Comprehensive Workflow for a Large Panel of Drugs of Abuse in Human Whole Blood by LC/MS/MS By Captiva EMR–Lipid Cleanup Author Limian Zhao Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract This study demonstrates the application of Captiva EMR–Lipid…
Klíčová slova
pos, posbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepineamphetamine, amphetamineopiate, opiatebarbiturate, barbiturateblood, bloodwhole, wholetramadol, tramadoldoa, doaemr, emrcaptiva, captivaspiking, spikinglipid, lipidcarisoprodol, carisoprodolpropoxyphene
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.