Comparing microflow vs analytical flow high-performance liquid chromatography for the analysis of pesticides
Aplikace | 2020 | SCIEXInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovamicroflow, analytical, source, flow, gains, saw, compared, environmental, turbo, iondrive, low, increase, std, lower, spinosyn, spinetoram, observed, sensitivity, chromatography, dimethomorph, liquid, compound, mevinphos, were, compounds, noise, temperature, propoxure, using, point, method, sensitive, between, signal, ratio, ratios, optiflow, exionlc, green, regimes, permethrins, pyrethrins, data, prallethrin, daminozide, pyrethrin, acequinocyl, pesticides, high, methyl
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Single Source Solution for Low Flow Chromatography
2019|SCIEX|Technické články
Single Source Solution for Low Flow Chromatography OptiFlow® Turbo V™ Source – Always Working in the Sweet Spot of Sensitivity and Robustness Christie Hunter1, Leroi De Souza2, Carmai Seto2, Yang Kang2, Leigh Bedford2, Bradley Schneider2 1 SCIEX, USA, 2SCIEX, Canada…
Klíčová slova
optiflow, optiflowsteadyspray, steadyspraysource, sourcenanoflow, nanoflowmicroflow, microflowprobe, probeflow, flowelectrode, electrodenanospray, nanosprayelectrodes, electrodesregimes, regimesavg, avgprobes, probespositive, positivenano
Microflow Chromatography: Bridging the Sensitivity Gap for Quantitation of a Pyrrolobenzodiazepine Dimer
Microflow Chromatography: Bridging the Sensitivity Gap for Quantitation of a Pyrrolobenzodiazepine Dimer Using the QTRAP® 6500+ System with OptiFlow® Turbo V Source Rolf Kern SCIEX, Redwood City, USA Pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimers (PBD’s) are a class of engineered, highly potent, covalently binding…
Klíčová slova
pyrrolobenzodiazepine, pyrrolobenzodiazepinepbd, pbdmicroflow, microflowantibody, antibodyassay, assaydimers, dimersimine, iminesensitivity, sensitivityadc, adcrates, ratesquantitation, quantitationstrata, stratadrug, drugpotent, potenttreat
Microflow Chromatography: A Key to More Sensitive Met ID
Microflow Chromatography: A Key to More Sensitive Met ID Use of OptiFlow® Turbo V Source with Triple TOF® 6600+ System to Identification and Characterization of Small Molecule Metabolites Carmai Seto1, Alina Dindyal-Popescu1, Rolf Kern2 1 SCIEX, Concord, Ontario, 2SCIEX, Redwood…
Klíčová slova
microflow, microflowmetabolitepilot, metabolitepilotmetabolites, metabolitesflow, flowverapamil, verapamilseen, seendesmethyl, desmethyltamoxifen, tamoxifenobserved, observedsensitivity, sensitivityhigh, highacquired, acquiredmetabolite, metabolitemore, moremolecule
OptiFlow™ Interface for TripleTOF® 6600 System
2019|SCIEX|Technické články
OptiFlow™ Interface for TripleTOF® 6600 System Switch from Nanoflow LC to Microflow LC in Minutes Chiu Cheong Aw1, Christie Hunter2 1 SCIEX, Singapore, 2SCIEX, USA In a busy Omics research lab or MS core facility, there are often a diverse…
Klíčová slova
optiflow, optiflownanoflow, nanoflownanodci, nanodcisource, sourceperformance, performanceinterface, interfacemicroflow, microflowturbo, turbointerfaces, interfacespeptide, peptideswath, swathwere, wereobserved, observedpepcalmix, pepcalmixpicoview