Automating the Preparation of Matrix Matched Calibration Standards for the Analysis of Food Contaminants by LC/MS/MS
Aplikace | 2020 | GERSTELInstrumentace
Příprava vzorků, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Klíčová slovatolyfluanid, gerstel, pears, tridimenol, potatoes, fluquinconazole, triflumizole, matched, etoxazole, turkey, flutriafol, flusilazole, propargite, kresoxim, paclobutrazol, linuron, calibration, penconazole, imidacloprid, pyriproxyfen, fenarimol, imazalil, triadimefon, pyrimethanil, tebuconazole, thiabendazole, cyprodinil, ethion, carbaryl, carrots, bifenthrin, sweet, dichlorvos, accuracy, atrazine, automated, prepared, mps, apples, standards, azoxystrobin, precision, beans, matrix, pesticide, beef, commodities, robotic, quechers, methyl
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Analysis of Pesticides in Food Matrix using QuEChERS by Triple Quadrupole GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS
2013|Shimadzu|Technické články
C146-E230 Technical Report Analysis of Pesticides in Food Matrix using QuEChERS by Triple Quadrupole GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS Riki Kitano¹, Shuichi Kawana¹, Yuka Fujito², Yusuke Inohana¹, Kiyomi Arakawa¹, Ichiro Hirano¹, Haruhiko Miyagawa¹ Abstract: Inspection results for 138 pesticides using GC/MS/MS and…
Klíčová slova
methyl, methylpaprika, paprikarsd, rsdazoxystrobin, azoxystrobinfenthion, fenthionleek, leekclorfentezin, clorfentezinthiphanate, thiphanateparathion, parathionendosulfan, endosulfanclothianidin, clothianidinfenazaquin, fenazaquintetradifon, tetradifonkresoxim, kresoximpropyzamide
Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMS- TQ8040NX
Application Note No. 93 Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMSTQ8040NX Rakan Saad Abdullah Alajmi 1, Hatim Zaid Ali Alhazmi 1, Sarah Awwadh Sultan Alotaibi 1 Jayachandran Namasivayam 2, Anant V.…
Klíčová slova
methyl, methylisomer, isomersulfone, sulfoneethyl, ethylsulfoxide, sulfoxidersdr, rsdrphorate, phoratemin, minfipronil, fipronildesethyl, desethylaminocarb, aminocarbdodemorph, dodemorphdisulfoton, disulfotonfenthion, fenthionspirotetramat
Multi-pesticide residues analyses of QuEChERS extracts using an automated online μSPE clean-up coupled to LC-MS/MS
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 65684 Multi-pesticide residues analyses of QuEChERS extracts using an automated online μSPE clean-up coupled to LC-MS/MS Authors: Long Sun1, Qilei Guo1, Cristina C. Jacob2, Claudia P.B. Martins2, Richard Fussell3; 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, Customer Solution Center, Beijing, China; 2…
Klíčová slova
positive, positiveconfirming, confirmingtarget, targetpeak, peakμspe, μspespe, spemethyl, methylrice, ricegrape, grapetea, teaclean, cleanextracts, extractsfenamiphos, fenamiphosfenthion, fenthionsulfone
Multiresidue Analysis of Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables Using UPLC-MS/MS
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Multiresidue Analysis of Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables Using UPLC-MS/MS Dimple Shah, Naren Meruva, and Gareth Cleland Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA APPLICATION BENEFITS ■■ ■■ Multiresidue method for 190 pesticides Pesticides are widely used in…
Klíčová slova
grapes, grapesmultiresidue, multiresiduefruits, fruitsvegetables, vegetablespesticides, pesticidesuplc, uplcwhite, whitegreen, greenrecovery, recoveryrsd, rsdbeans, beansapplication, applicationnote, notealdicarb, aldicarbanalysis