Effective Monitoring for Enantiomeric Forms of Methamphetamine and Related Compounds by LC/MS
Prezentace | 2015 | MerckInstrumentace
Spotřební materiál, LC/MS, LC kolony, LC/SQ
ZaměřeníForenzní analýza a toxikologie
VýrobceWaters, Merck
Klíčová slovamethamphetamine, dextro, illicit, enantiomeric, enantiomers, legal, mobile, gaurang, parmar, min, forms, hydroxide, improved, levo, urine, additives, phase, ammonium, extraction, simulant, time, conditions, supel, suitable, immunoassay, recovery, scx, differentiation, initially, chiral, differentiate, chromatographic, abuse, same, finding, versions, isomer, equation, complicated, method, fact, generic, interfering, toxicology, liquid, also, acetic, likely, applying, indicated
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Chiral separation of methamphetamine and amphetamine on an Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 Chiral-V column with detection by LC/MS
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Clinical Research Chiral separation of methamphetamine and amphetamine on an Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 Chiral-V column with detection by LC/MS Authors Abstract Carl Griffin and William Long Agilent Technologies, Inc. Wilmington, DE, USA An Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120…
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Basics of Chiral HPLC
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Quantitation of the Chiral Shift in Metabolism of Propranolol Using 2D-LC/MS/MS
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Pharma & Biopharma Quantitation of the Chiral Shift in Metabolism of Propranolol Using 2D-LC/MS/MS The Agilent InfinityLab 2D-LC Solutions for achiral‑chiral analysis of complex samples Authors Lukas C. Harps, Felix Bredendiek, and Maria K. Parr Freie Universitaet Berlin…
Klíčová slova
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