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Astec P-CAP™ and P-CAP-DP Series HPLC Column Operating Instructions


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Basics of Chiral HPLC
Basics of Chiral HPLC
Basics of Chiral HPLC Definitions Principles Available CSPs Mobile phase types T408109 The Field of Stereochemistry 1. All isomers have same chemical formula but differ in the arrangement of certain chemical groups in space. 2. Many types of isomers…
Klíčová slova
chirobiotic, chirobioticionic, ionicphases, phasesphase, phasepolar, polarchiral, chiralcsps, cspscooh, coohracemates, racematescyclobond, cyclobondselectivity, selectivitynormal, normalinclusion, inclusionmobile, mobilecsp
HPLC Enantiomeric Separations of Pharmaceuticals Using Polar Organic Mobile Phases
HPLC Enantiomeric Separations of Pharmaceuticals Using Polar Organic Mobile Phases •J.T. Lee and William Campbell Supelco, Div. of Sigma-Aldrich, Bellefonte, PA 16823 USA T411054 Agenda • • • • • • • • • Background Benefits Mechanisms Separation Comparisons…
Klíčová slova
dmp, dmpcellulose, cellulosepolar, polardiperodon, diperodoncsps, cspsmianserin, mianserinhomatropine, homatropineionic, ionicelution, elutionorganic, organicmacrocyclic, macrocyclicindapamide, indapamideketoconazole, ketoconazolephases, phasesinteractions
CYCLOBOND Series HPLC Column Operating Instructions
This Data Sheet Contains Important Information About The Product. CYCLOBOND Series HPLC Column Operating Instructions Important: CYCLOBOND columns should never be left idle in aqueous buffer systems even for short periods. Wash the buffer out of the column with 50/50:HPLC…
Klíčová slova
cyclobond, cyclobondcyclodextrin, cyclodextrinchiral, chiralcolumn, columnchlorthalidone, chlorthalidoneastec, asteccavity, cavitywarfarin, warfarintriethylamine, triethylaminesuccessfully, successfullyseparations, separationshas, hascolumns, columnshydrobenzoin, hydrobenzoinbuffers
Modernizing Chiral Separations with Glycopeptide-Based Chiral Columns
Application Note Pharmaceutical Small Molecules Modernizing Chiral Separations with Glycopeptide-Based Chiral Columns Chiral separation of timolol maleate with Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 Chiral-T columns Author William J. Long Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract In this application note, the development and optimization…
Klíčová slova
chiral, chiraltimolol, timololformate, formateammonium, ammoniumenantiomers, enantiomersglycopeptide, glycopeptideteicoplanin, teicoplaninmau, maumaleate, maleateionic, ionicseparations, separationspolar, polarphase, phasecsps, cspsseparation
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.