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Increased Productivity in Pesticide Residue Analysis – Quantifying 440 Pesticides Following China GB 2763-2014:The Pesticide Explorer Collection – Standard Quantitation


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Increased Productivity in Pesticide Residue Analysis – Quantifying 440 Pesticides Following China GB 2763-2014: The Pesticide Explorer Collection – Standard Quantitation
Appli cat i on N ote 6 4 2 Increased Productivity in Pesticide Residue Analysis – Quantifying 440 Pesticides Following China GB 2763-2014: The Pesticide Explorer Collection – Standard Quantitation Zeming Wu1, Charles T. Yang2, Zheng Jiang1, Wei Wei2, Niusheng…
Klíčová slova
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Pesticide Analysis in Food and Beverages Application Compendium
Pesticide Analysis in Food and Beverages Application Compendium • Sample Preparation • GC and GC-GCMS • LC-MS • Columns and Consumables Always what’s next. Always what’s next. Food safety standards change. They evolve. Which often means what was once the…
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Robustness, reproducibility, reliability with best-in-class sensitivity: Increased confidence in targeted quantitation of pesticides in food matrices
APPLICATION NOTE 64971 Robustness, reproducibility, reliability with best-in-class sensitivity: Increased confidence in targeted quantitation of pesticides in food matrices Authors Katerina Bousova,1 Michal Godula,1 Claudia Martins,2 Charles Yang,2 Ed George,2 Neloni Wijeratne2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Special Solution Center Europe, Dreieich,…
Klíčová slova
tsq, tsqquantis, quantisendura, endurapesticides, pesticidesfisher, fishertriple, tripleminutes, minuteshomogenization, homogenizationshaker, shakerextraction, extractionquadrupole, quadrupoleleek, leekhomogenizer, homogenizersrm, srmuhplc
Application Note Summaries for Pesticide Analysis
Application Note Summaries for Pesticide Analysis
2015|Thermo Fisher Scientific|AplikacePříručky Application Note Summaries for Pesticide Analysis Always what’s next. Contents Sample Preparation AB 152: Extraction of Organochlorine Pesticides from Oyster Tissue Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction. AN332: Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Pesticide Residues in Food Products AN 343: Determination of…
Klíčová slova
read, readpesticides, pesticidesfull, fullpesticide, pesticidefood, foodorganochlorine, organochlorinethermo, thermoase, asenote, noteapplication, applicationscientific, scientificusing, usingresidue, residueextraction, extractionresidues
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