VITATOX: Derivatizace alkoholů s využitím heteroboranových klastrových bloků
Prezentace | 2020 | UJEP | VITATOXInstrumentaceZaměření
Průmysl a chemie
VýrobceKlíčová slovauau, pda, min, derivatizace, abundance, time, pálenky, alkoholů, modelové, relative, bac, stanovení, scan, hplc, total, cosan, etgly, heteroborany, heteroboranů, sléze, tic, bod, genesis, full, mmol, jen, etoh, využitím, úvod, alkoholáty, alkoholům, bacilex, boranářský, cosanu, fridex, heteroboranové, heteroboranům, hydroxysloučeniny, katchem, kvašením, naznačena, nejčastějšího, odlakovač, ostřikovačů, přiboudliny, přírodnímu, sendvičové, separovatelné, sůva, umožnění
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Top-down Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
Poster Note 64778 Top-down Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody on an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos™ Tribrid Mass Spectrometer Seema Sharma, Stephane Houel, Christopher Mullen, Chad Weisbrod, Romain Huguet, John Syka, Dave Horn, Jonathan Josephs, Jae Schwartz, Vlad Zabrouskov Thermo Fisher Scientific, San…
Klíčová slova
abundance, abundancefragmentation, fragmentationantibody, antibodyintact, intactetd, etdrelative, relativemab, mabtop, topdown, downheavy, heavymonoclonal, monoclonaldeglycosylated, deglycosylateduvpd, uvpdpulses, pulsessequence
A Complete Workflow Solution for Intact Monoclonal Antibody Characterization Using a New High-Performance Benchtop Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS
2012|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
A Complete Workflow Solution for Intact Monoclonal Antibody Characterization Using a New High-Performance Benchtop Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS Zhiqi Hao,1 Yi Zhang,1 David Horn,1 Seema Sharma,1 Shiaw-Lin Wu, 2 Irene Ae-Ning Lin, 3 Yi-Hsuan Pan, 3 Ya-Fen Yang, 3 and Andreas F.…
Klíčová slova
mab, mababundance, abundanceintact, intactrelative, relativeexactive, exactivehcd, hcdspectrum, spectrumfile, fileorbitrap, orbitrapenvelope, envelopemass, massdeconvolution, deconvolutioncharge, chargedown, downantibody
Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Oxidation Variants Using Middle-down Approach and Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
2015|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
There is a growing trend to obtain intact mass information as well as the glycan profile in the QC of mAbs using high resolution mass spectrometers. The most commonly employed LC/MS method is to desalt mAbs via reverse phase liquid…
Klíčová slova
trastuzumab, trastuzumabscfc, scfcoxidized, oxidizedmab, mabfigure, figureides, idesdeuterium, deuteriumfragments, fragmentsmabpac, mabpacoxidation, oxidationtic, ticfab, fabdtt, dttpapain, papainerml
Real-Time Instrument Control of the Orbitrap Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
Figu Figure 1. Compatible Mass Spectrometers Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Orbitrap Fusion The IAPI is compatible with both the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Fusion™ mass spectrometer and the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Fusion Lumos™ mass spectrometer Figure 2. IAPI Architecture • The architecture…
Klíčová slova
iapi, iapifusion, fusionscan, scanrepeating, repeatingcustom, customabundance, abundanceorbitrap, orbitrapscans, scansrelative, relativetribrid, tribridraw, rawmethod, methodtune, tuneimassintensity, imassintensitytime