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Analysis of Captan, Folpet and Their Derivatives in Water by APCI-LCMS™-8060


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Analysis of Captan, Folpet, and their Derivatives in Food with APCI-LCMS™-8060
Application News No. C214 Liquid Chromatography Mass spectrometry Analysis of Captan, Folpet, and their Derivatives in Food with APCI-LCMS™-8060 Captan, Folpet, and their derivatives are fungicides widely used in agriculture. In view of their toxicity and ecotoxicity, the concentration of…
Klíčová slova
captan, captanmin, minphthalimide, phthalimiderice, riceapple, applefolpet, folpetorange, orangeloq, loqnews, newsgood, goodtetrahydrophthalimide, tetrahydrophthalimidetea, tearepeatability, repeatabilitymethod, methodmatrix
Analysis of Captan, Folpet and their derivatives in food with APCI-LCMS-8060
Analysis of Captan, Folpet and their derivatives in food with APCI-LCMS-8060 Uwe Oppermann1, Stephane Moreau1, Doriane Toinon2 1Shimadzu Europa GmbH, 47269 Duisburg, Germany 2Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan 1. Introduction Captan and Folpet are phytosanitary products belonging to the phthalimide family…
Klíčová slova
phthalimide, phthalimidefolpet, folpetcaptan, captanqsep, qsepdesolvatation, desolvatationtetrahydrophtalamide, tetrahydrophtalamidemikan, mikanphytosanitary, phytosanitarybelonging, belongingrice, riceapple, appletea, teafamily, familyquechers, quechersppb
Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture - Release 2
Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture Release 2 Food, Beverages and Agriculture Regarding food, water, beverages and agricultural cropland, the increasing world population is one of the biggest challenges of mankind. How can access be provided to sufficient and safe food…
Klíčová slova
news, newsanalysis, analysismeasurement, measurementfood, foodusing, usingsample, samplewithout, withoutwater, watermrm, mrmacid, acidwere, wereflowrate, flowratemethod, methoddrinking, drinkingsfe
Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture - Release 2
Application Handbook Food, Beverages, Agriculture Release 2 Food, Beverages and Agriculture Regarding food, water, beverages and agricultural cropland, the increasing world population is one of the biggest challenges of mankind. How can access be provided to sufficient and safe food…
Klíčová slova
news, newsanalysis, analysismeasurement, measurementfood, foodusing, usingsample, samplewithout, withoutwater, watermrm, mrmacid, acidwere, wereflowrate, flowratemethod, methodsfe, sfedrinking
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.