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High-Sensitivity Analysis of Aldosterone in Low-Volume Serum Samples using Micro-Flow LC-MS/MS for Clinical Research


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High-Sensitivity Analysis of a Steroid Panel Samples using Micro-Flow LC-MS/MS for Clinical Research
WP219 High-Sensitivity Analysis of a Steroid Panel Samples using Micro-Flow LC-MS/MS for Clinical Research Narumi SHIRAI1, Takanari HATTORI2; Mikael LEVI2; Shoji F. NAKAYAMA3; Shigeru SUZUKI1 1Chubu University, Kasugai, Japan; 2Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan; 3National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan…
Klíčová slova
trapping, trappingpregnenolone, pregnenolonedhea, dheaaldosterone, aldosteronecorticosterone, corticosteroneestriol, estriolandrostenedione, androstenedionecortisone, cortisonecortisol, cortisolestrone, estroneprogesterone, progesteroneestradiol, estradioltestosterone, testosteronedihydrostestosterone, dihydrostestosteronemrm
Quantitative Determination of a Panel of Endogenous Steroids in Human Serum by LC/MS/MS - Using an Agilent Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Chem Elut S Plate
Application Note Clinical Research Quantitative Determination of a Panel of Endogenous Steroids in Human Serum by LC/MS/MS Using an Agilent Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Chem Elut S Plate Author Limian Zhao Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract Agilent Chem Elut S supported…
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sle, slechem, chemelut, elutpos, posdiatomaceous, diatomaceousearth, earthserum, serumlle, llebatch, batchneg, negextraction, extractionmtbe, mtbeetoac, etoacsteroids, steroidsdepletion
Shimadzu Microow Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry System Nexera Mikros
C146-E350B Microflow Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry System Nexera Mikros M i c r o: Above and Beyond Nano T h e High Sensitivit y You E x p e c t from a Low Flow Sys tem with the Ruggedness…
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microflow, microflowmikros, mikrosnexera, nexerashim, shimbonded, bondedmicro, micropack, packplonas, plonasphase, phaseverapamil, verapamilpolar, polarsystem, systemdiameter, diameterpart, partmin
Agilent LC Triple Quadrupole Clinical Research Compendium
Agilent LC Triple Quadrupole Clinical Research Compendium Application Compendium Table of contents Contents Introduction 4 Routine analysis 5 Hormones 5 Progesterone Metabolism in Serum 5 Analytical Determination of Testosterone in Human Serum Using an Agilent Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS 7…
Klíčová slova
atturos, atturoscounts, countsplasma, plasmaagilent, agilentstreamselect, streamselectserum, serummel, meltriple, triplequadrupole, quadrupolecaptiva, captivausing, usingthc, thctestosterone, testosteronemethod, methodresponses
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.