Postery | 2020 | Waters | EPRWInstrumentace
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Multiresidue Method for the Quantification of Pesticides in Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals and Black Tea using UPLC-MS/MS
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Multiresidue Method for the Quantification of Pesticides in Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals and Black Tea using UPLC-MS/MS Dimple Shah, 1 JodiAnn Wood,1 Gordon Fujimoto, 1 Eimear McCall, 2 Simon Hird, 2 and Peter Hancock 2 Waters Corporation,…
Klíčová slova
sulphoxide, sulphoxidesulphone, sulphonemethyl, methylsoybean, soybeantea, teastrawberry, strawberryflour, flourspinach, spinachconc, concsulfone, sulfoneblack, blackfensulfothion, fensulfothionwheat, wheatuplc, uplcnote
Multiresidue method for the quantification of pesticides in fruits, vegetables, cereals and black tea using UPLC MS/MS
Multiresidue method for the quantification of pesticides in fruits, vegetables, cereals and black tea using UPLC-MS/MS Dimple Shah1, JodiAnn Wood1, Gordon Fujimoto1, Eimear McCall2, Simon Hird2, Peter Hancock2 1Waters Corporation, Milford, US, 2Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK 2A INTRODUCTION 2B As…
Klíčová slova
flour, flourwheat, wheattea, teastrawberry, strawberryblack, blackquechers, quecherssoybean, soybeanspinach, spinachaqueous, aqueousprocesser, processertypical, typicaleurls, eurlsmixing, mixingextracts, extractstolerated
Improved Peak Shape and Lower LOQs in Pesticide Analysis
2023|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Food & Beverage Testing Improved Peak Shape and Lower LOQs in Pesticide Analysis Using the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Hybrid Multisampler in the LC/MS analysis of polar pesticides Author Abstract Edgar Naegele Agilent Technologies, Inc. This application note…
Klíčová slova
feed, feedinjection, injectionpesticides, pesticidespolar, polarthrough, throughmultisampler, multisamplerflow, flowmultiresidue, multiresidueshowed, showedpeak, peakeluting, elutingsolvent, solventalso, alsoquechers, quechersmethamidophos
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Black Peppercorns Using LC-MS/MS After Extraction and Clean up Using QuEChERS and Pass-Through SPE
Application Note Determination of Pesticide Residues in Black Peppercorns Using LC-MS/MS After Extraction and Clean up Using QuEChERS and Pass-Through SPE Simon Hird, Jun Xiang Lee, Wenlin Zhang Waters Corporation Abstract Applying a generic QuEChERS protocol without clean-up is challenging…
Klíčová slova
peppercorns, peppercornsquechers, quecherspass, passresidues, residuesspe, spepesticide, pesticideblack, blackclean, cleanusing, usingthrough, throughdetermination, determinationextraction, extractionafter, afterhlb, hlbprime