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Advancements in Multiomics and Lipidomic Analysis: Illuminating Therapeutic Targets and Drug Responses in Various Diseases
Advancements in Multiomics and Lipidomic Analysis: Illuminating Therapeutic Targets and Drug Responses in Various Diseases Expert Insights Sponsored by Analytical Science Expert Insights Contents Introduction 3 An Integrative Multiomics Framework for Identification of Therapeutic Targets in Pulmonary Fibrosis Adapted from…
Klíčová slova
glycerophospholipids, glycerophospholipidscer, cerinsights, insightsexpert, expertleukemia, leukemiaagilent, agilentpediatric, pediatricmetabolomics, metabolomicsrevident, revidentlipidomics, lipidomicsuntargeted, untargetedatp, atpproduction, productionseahorse, seahorselipidomic
LipidQuan: A Rapid and Comprehensive Targeted Approach Investigating the Lipidome of Bladder Cancer Subjects
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] LipidQuan: A Rapid and Comprehensive Targeted Approach Investigating the Lipidome of Bladder Cancer Subjects Nyasha Munjoma, 1 Giorgis Isaac, 2 Lee A. Gethings,1 and Robert S. Plumb 2 1 Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK 2 Waters Corporation,…
Klíčová slova
bladder, bladdercancer, cancerlipid, lipidtargetlynx, targetlynxtoml, tomllipids, lipidsuplc, uplcacquity, acquityplasma, plasmaapplication, applicationtargeted, targetedstd, stdconc, concsubjects, subjectsclass
Targeted Lipidomic Analysis of Pediatric Leukemia Cells Using LC-MS/MS Triple Quadrupole
Poster Reprint ASMS 2023 Poster number WP 564 Targeted Lipidomic Analysis of Pediatric Leukemia Cells Using LC-MS/MS Triple Quadrupole Lihua Jiang1, Ruiqi Jian1, Hui Zhao2, Yanan Yang2 , Mark Sartain2 , Maya Kasowski3, Mike Snyder1 1Department USA 2Agilent 3School of…
Klíčová slova
glycerophospholipids, glycerophospholipidscer, cerleukemia, leukemiaplasmalogen, plasmalogenbone, bonepediatric, pediatricmarrow, marrowlipid, lipidcells, cellsubiquinone, ubiquinoneester, estercholesteryl, cholesteryllpc, lpclipidomic, lipidomicprogenitor
A Comprehensive, Curated, High‑Throughput Method for the Detailed Analysis of the Plasma Lipidome
Application Note Metabolomics/ Clinical Research A Comprehensive, Curated, High‑Throughput Method for the Detailed Analysis of the Plasma Lipidome Authors Kevin Huynh, Natalie A. Mellett, Thy Duong, Anh Nguyen, Thomas G. Meikle, Corey Giles, and Peter J. Meikle Baker Heart and…
Klíčová slova
unit, unitfalse, falsepositive, positiveacylcarn, acylcarncer, cerlpc, lpccompound, compoundavanti, avantires, rescmpnd, cmpndistd, istdsim, simffa, ffatrue, truehexcer
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.