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Reliable Determination of Food Additives in Baby Food Using UHPLC Combined with Tandem Mass Spectrometry


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Determination of 30 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Baby Food
Application Note Food & Beverage Testing Determination of 30 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Baby Food Using Captiva EMR PFAS Food I passthrough cleanup and LC/MS/MS detection Authors Limian Zhao, Matthew Giardina, and Emily Parry Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract…
Klíčová slova
pfas, pfasemr, emrpassthrough, passthroughcleanup, cleanupfood, foodmixed, mixedcaptiva, captivadspe, dspeloqs, loqsquechers, quechersextraction, extractionbaby, babymode, modematrix, matrixmethod
Aflatoxin Analysis in Infant Formula with Enhanced Matrix Removal— Lipid by LC/MS/MS
Aflatoxin Analysis in Infant Formula with Enhanced Matrix Removal— Lipid by LC/MS/MS Application Note Food Testing Author Abstract Megan Juck Aflatoxin M1 is the primary aflatoxin found in milk. It has European Commission Agilent Technologies, Inc. (EC) maximum recommended levels…
Klíčová slova
aflatoxin, aflatoxininfant, infantlipid, lipidformula, formulamatrix, matrixelut, elutemr, emrbond, bondenhanced, enhancedremoval, removalcleanup, cleanupcompliancemanuals, compliancemanualscompliancepolicyguidancemanual, compliancepolicyguidancemanualagilent, agilentquechers
High-Throughput Determination of Multiple Toxic Alkaloids in Food by UHPLC/MS/MS
Application Note Food Testing & Agriculture High-Throughput Determination of Multiple Toxic Alkaloids in Food by UHPLC/MS/MS Authors Guoyin Lai, Lijian Wu, Zhongda Lin, Liyi Lin, Dunming Xu, Zhigang Zhang Technigue Center, Xiamen Customs, Xiamen, China Meiling Lu Agilent Technologies (China)…
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iti, itialkaloids, alkaloidsrecovery, recoveryloto, lotopodophyllotoxin, podophyllotoxinatropine, atropinepto, ptoalkaloid, alkaloidcolchicine, colchicinescopolamine, scopolaminersd, rsdrin, rinwine, winebread, breaddri
Complex Matrices: Minimizing Lipids, Maximizing Recovery - Food Testing Application Compendium: Volume 3
Complex Matrices: Minimizing Lipids, Maximizing Recovery Food Testing Application Compendium: Volume 3 Complex Samples Don’t Have to Complicate Your Analysis Reducing matrix interference is a must for maintaining sensitivity standards—particularly for multiresidue, multiclass analysis of food samples. Minimize interferences in…
Klíčová slova
emr, emrlipid, lipidcleanup, cleanupmatrix, matrixelut, elutbond, bondpositive, positiveremoval, removalcounts, countsavocado, avocadopos, posenhanced, enhancedcaptiva, captivaagilent, agilentacquisition
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.