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Automated MRM Method Optimizer for Peptides: Optimizing Mass Spectrometry Parameters for High-Throughput Protein Quantitation


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Automated MRM Method Optimizer for Peptides: Optimizing Mass Spectrometry Parameters for High-Throughput Protein Quantitation
Automated MRM Method Optimizer for Peptides: Optimizing Mass Spectrometry Parameters for High-Throughput Protein Quantitation Application Note Authors Abstract Sudha Rajagopalan Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore India Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) is commonly used in high-throughput protein quantitation experiments. Mass…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmoptimizer, optimizercollision, collisiontransitions, transitionsoptimized, optimizedmasshunter, masshunterenergies, energiesproteins, proteinstof, tofratio, ratioidentified, identifiedused, usedsoftware, softwareidentification, identificationhelps
LC/Q-TOF Marker Identification to TQ LC/MS Targeted Quantitation
Application Note Food Testing and Agriculture LC/Q-TOF Marker Identification to TQ LC/MS Targeted Quantitation Development and evaluation of sensitive and robust workflow for detecting peanut allergens in wheat flour Authors Yuwei Chang, Hong Peng, and Guangtao Zhang Mars Global Food…
Klíčová slova
hso, hsopeanut, peanutcwf, cwfdlafpgsgeqvek, dlafpgsgeqvekiflagdkdnvidqiek, iflagdkdnvidqiekelisa, elisanacl, naclpeptides, peptidespeptide, peptideallergens, allergensflour, flourwere, weretof, tofwheat, wheatmethod
2014|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
From the MacCoss Group at the University of Washington SKYLINE TARGETED PROTEOMICS SOFTWARE DISCOVER NEW PATHWAYS WITH AGILENT’S SOLUTIONS CHOOSING THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR YOUR RESEARCH For targeted protein analysis and quantitation, the right tools can make all the difference.…
Klíčová slova
skyline, skylinemrm, mrmagilent, agilentpeptide, peptidemasshunter, masshunterpeptides, peptideslibrary, libraryretention, retentioncollision, collisionautomation, automationtransitions, transitionssoftware, softwareexport, exportvisualization, visualizationproteins
Quick and Routine Research Quantification of Melatonin in Plasma with the Agilent Ultivo LC/TQ
Application Note Clinical Research Quick and Routine Research Quantification of Melatonin in Plasma with the Agilent Ultivo LC/TQ Figure 1. Ultivo LC/TQ with standard ESI ion source. Author Mark Sartain Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA Abstract This Application…
Klíčová slova
mel, melultivo, ultivoplasma, plasmaendogenous, endogenousoptimizer, optimizermelatonin, melatoninesi, esiwere, weremasshunter, masshuntermrm, mrmcounts, countsquantification, quantificationconcentration, concentrationuloq, uloqquantifier
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.