Care and Use Manual for Supelco Multi-Layer Silica Gel Column and Dual-Layer Carbon Reversible Column
Technické články | 2002 | MerckInstrumentace
Příprava vzorků, Spotřební materiál
ZaměřeníŽivotní prostředí, Potraviny a zemědělství, Forenzní analýza a toxikologie
Klíčová slovalayer, vacuum, flask, adapter, column, manifold, dioxin, dual, carbon, stopcock, silica, gel, clear, joint, connector, multi, conditioning, seal, supelco, prep, top, reversible, luer, connectors, syringe, step, separatory, direction, gels, procedure, separator, gravity, glassware, teflon, conditioned, hole, arrow, reagents, empty, use, attached, research, frb, feed, how, convenient, biochemicals, sample, loading, ordering
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Sample Preparation and Laboratory Automation
Sample Preparation and Laboratory Automation Sample Preparation and Laboratory Automation Contents Goals of Sample Preparation........................5 Benefits of Solid-Phase Extraction............5 PoraPak Rxn Cartridges for Post-Synthesis Cleanup................................34 Vacuum Manifold and Accessories........35 Selecting the Correct SPE Format.............6 Vacuum Manifold for Use with SPE…
Klíčová slova
oasis, oasishlb, hlbcartridge, cartridgesep, seppak, pakmcx, mcxprime, primesorbent, sorbentcartridges, cartridgesmax, maxwcx, wcxsilica, silicaplate, platedescription, descriptionwwptfe
Your Essential Resource for SAMPLE PREPARATION
2018|Agilent Technologies|Brožury a specifikace
2018/2019 Your Essential Resource for SAMPLE PREPARATION From Insight to Outcome ACROSS THE LAB, AROUND THE WORLD, WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Real stories from the lab. WHO WE ARE. WHAT WE DO. Whatever your lab needs, Agilent…
Klíčová slova
elut, elutbond, bondspe, specaptiva, captivapolypropylene, polypropyleneplexa, plexacartridges, cartridgesnonpolar, nonpolardescription, descriptionsilica, silicafiltration, filtrationbarrel, barrelunit, unitextraction, extractionlrc
2019/2021 Chromatography Consumables Catalog
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Connected chromatography solutions 2019/2021 Chromatography Consumables Catalog The collective power of chromatography Expect reproducible results with sample prep, columns and vials Maximizing your chromatography productivity and achieving reproducible results requires optimizing the whole workflow from sample to knowledge. By choosing…
Klíčová slova
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Product Guide for PFAS Analysis
Product Guide for PFAS Analysis A Methods-Based Reference to Lab Supplies for PFAS Testing Selecting the Right Lab Supplies for PFAS Methods When government agencies and other research organizations developed the first PFAS analysis methods, certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances…
Klíčová slova
perfluoro, perfluoroacid, acidresprep, resprepmanifolds, manifoldsspe, spevacuum, vacuumpolypropylene, polypropylenepfas, pfasreplace, replacequick, quickpfda, pfdapfhxa, pfhxapfbs, pfbspfhpa, pfhpapfhxs