Genius 1050 - Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS
Brožury a specifikace | 2016 | Peak ScientificInstrumentace
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Genius 3020 Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS
2016|Peak Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Genius 3020 Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS Part Number : 10-6320 Service Kit : 08-4782 Your local gas generation partner Description Combining the capacity of two separate Genius nitrogen generator systems into one fully integrated system in the same compact footprint,…
Klíčová slova
generator, generatormax, maxgenius, geniusnitrogen, nitrogenmaintenance, maintenancesupply, supplypreventative, preventativegas, gasplan, plannone, nonescientific, scientificservice, servicegeneration, generationhxwxd, hxwxdwheels
Genius 3070 Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS
2016|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Genius 3070 Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS Part Number : 10-6327 Service Kit : 08-4788 Your local gas generation partner Description The Genius 3070 has been designed specifically for systems which require a source of Dry Air (Nebulizer/Heating Gas) and Air…
Klíčová slova
max, maxgas, gasgenerator, generatormaintenance, maintenanceair, airpreventative, preventativeheating, heatingnebulizer, nebulizerexhaust, exhaustplan, plannone, nonescientific, scientificdry, dryservice, servicegeneration
Genius NM32LA - Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS
2019|Peak Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Genius NM32LA Nitrogen Generator for LC-MS Part Number : 10-6020 Service Kit : 08-4780 Your local gas generation partner Description The Genius NM32LA uses tried and tested membrane technology and internal compressors to generate laboratory grade nitrogen on-site and on…
Klíčová slova
generator, generatormax, maxnitrogen, nitrogenmaintenance, maintenanceplan, plannone, nonedemand, demandperfecting, perfectingculmination, culminationscientific, scientificordering, orderingsupply, supplycountless, countlessgas, gashxwxd
Genius AB-3G Nitrogen/Dry Air Generator for Sciex Mass Spectrometers
2016|Peak Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Genius AB-3G Nitrogen/Dry Air Generator for Part Number : 99-9999 Service Kit : 99-9999 Sciex Mass Spectrometers Your local gas generation partner Description The Genius AB-3G has been designed to provide a continuous and reliable gas supply to meet the…
Klíčová slova
generator, generatorgas, gasnone, nonesciex, sciexnitrogen, nitrogenmaintenance, maintenanceunlikely, unlikelymax, maxcompressor, compressordry, dryplan, planair, airevent, eventspectrometers, spectrometerspart