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Complete compilation of applications for food analysis
C10G-E072 Food Safety Booklet Complete compilation of applications for food analysis Food Safety Booklet Complete compilation of applications for food analysis Click on the icons to navigate Total Solutions for Food Analysis Advanced Technologies & Techniques Applications Additional Resources Approach…
Klíčová slova
esi, esimrm, mrmfood, foodanalysis, analysisnews, newsmethod, methodmilk, milkloq, loqusing, usingunit, unitsample, samplearea, areapcr, pcrpork, porkcompound
Ensure consumer safety - SFC-MS/MS solution for pesticide analysis
SEG-A-137 Ensure consumer safety SFC-MS/MS solution for pesticide analysis Analysis and regulation to ensure consumer safety By 2050, the world population is expected to be 9 billion people, and the production of food will need to be doubled. Many farmers…
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pesticide, pesticidesfc, sfcfenpyrazamine, fenpyrazaminebromuconazole, bromuconazolefruits, fruitscarboxin, carboxinvegetables, vegetablesresidue, residueconsumer, consumerpome, pometuber, tuberpump, pumppesticides, pesticideseurl, eurlcitrus
Determination of multiresidue pesticides in Arabian dates using LC and GC Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
ThP 096 Determination of multiresidue pesticides in Arabian dates using LC and GC Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Tuna Oncu; Orhan Papak; 1Shimadzu Middle East and Africa FZE Istanbul, Turkey As reported in many studies, pesticides are also widely used in…
Klíčová slova
dates, datespesticides, pesticidesdried, driedcypermethrin, cypermethrinoncu, oncuorhan, orhanpapak, papakshimadzu, shimadzulabsolutions, labsolutionsinsight, insightvelocity, velocityscanning, scanningmode, modescan, scanion
Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety
Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety
2018|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety C10G-E020C Analytical and Testing Instruments for Food Safety Shimadzu’s Total Support for Food Safety World Map of Shimadzu Sales, Service, Manufacturing, and R&D Facilities Sales and Service Manufacturing R&D Shimadzu's Total Support for Food…
Klíčová slova
food, foodanalysis, analysisodor, odorsafety, safetyspectrometer, spectrometerchromatograph, chromatographforeign, foreigntesting, testingmoah, moahmosh, moshpesticides, pesticidesdatabase, databasematter, mattershimadzu, shimadzumass
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