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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.

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A Guaranteed lC/Ms/Ms solution for the analysis of 298 PestiCides and other CheMiCals in fruits and veGetables
food analysis A Guaranteed LC/MS/MS Solution for the Analysis of 298 Pesticides and Other Chemicals in fruits and vegetables Solutions for Your Analytical Business Markets and Applications Programs Authors With the collaboration of This Solution is dedicated to the analysis…
Klíčová slova
methyl, methylsulfone, sulfoneethyl, ethylpos, posfenamiphos, fenamiphosmethiocarb, methiocarbsulfoxide, sulfoxideatrazine, atrazinepyrifenox, pyrifenoxchlorpyriphos, chlorpyriphoscyromazine, cyromazinespinosad, spinosaddesethyl, desethylparaoxon, paraoxontetramethrin
Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMS- TQ8040NX
Application Note No. 93 Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMSTQ8040NX Rakan Saad Abdullah Alajmi 1, Hatim Zaid Ali Alhazmi 1, Sarah Awwadh Sultan Alotaibi 1 Jayachandran Namasivayam 2, Anant V.…
Klíčová slova
methyl, methylisomer, isomersulfone, sulfoneethyl, ethylsulfoxide, sulfoxidersdr, rsdrphorate, phoratemin, mindesethyl, desethylfipronil, fipronilaminocarb, aminocarbdodemorph, dodemorphdisulfoton, disulfotonfenthion, fenthionspirotetramat
Analysis of Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Cannabis Using  UPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS to Meet California Regulatory Requirements
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Analysis of Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Cannabis Using UPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS to Meet California Regulatory Requirements Kim Tran, 1 Kari Organtini,1 Marian Twohig,1 Michael Young,1 Gareth Cleland, 1 Ken Rosnack, 1 Naren Meruva,1 Gordon Fujimoto,…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabismycotoxins, mycotoxinspesticides, pesticidesuplc, uplcspinosad, spinosadcalifornia, californiapyrethrin, pyrethrinresidual, residualpesticide, pesticidespinetoram, spinetoramaction, actionpcnb, pcnbanalysis, analysisnote, notemin
Multi-Residue Analysis of 210 Pesticides in Food Samples by Triple Quadrupole UHPLC-MS/MS
Multi-Residue Analysis of 210 Pesticides in Food Samples by Triple Quadrupole UHPLC-MS/MS 1 1 1 1 David R. Baker , Chris Titman , Alan J. Barnes , Neil J. Loftus , Alexander 2 3 Mastoroudes , Simon Hird 1 Shimadzu…
Klíčová slova
sulfoxide, sulfoxidesulfone, sulfonemethyl, methylpoise, poiseppb, ppblod, lodpesticide, pesticidepear, pearbutocarboxim, butocarboximfood, foodethiofencarb, ethiofencarbcas, casaldicarb, aldicarbdemeton, demetonresidues
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.