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Minimizing Carryover During Dioxin Analysis Using the Xevo TQ-S with APGC

Aplikace | 2014 | WatersInstrumentace
Životní prostředí, Potraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slova
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An Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of a Confirmatory Method For Dioxins in Food and Environmental Samples Using APGC-MS/MS
An Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of a Confirmatory Method For Dioxins in Food and Environmental Samples Using APGC-MS/MS Bert van Bavel,1 Dawei Geng,1 Laura Cherta,2 Jaime Nácher-Mestre,2 Tania Portolés,2 Manuela Abaos Ábalos,1,3 Jordi Sauló,3 Esteban Abad,3 Jody Dunstan,5 Rhys Jones,5 Alexander Kotz,4…
Klíčová slova
apgc, apgcdioxins, dioxinsconfirmatory, confirmatorytcdd, tcddinter, interlaboratory, laboratoryevaluation, evaluationhrms, hrmsxevo, xevofood, foodfat, fatpcdd, pcddenvironmental, environmentalsamples, sampleshxcdf
A Confirmatory Method for PCDDs and PCDFs in Compliance with EU Regulation 589/2014/EU Using Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC) with Xevo TQ-S
A Confirmatory Method for PCDDs and PCDFs in Compliance with EU Regulation 589/2014/EU Using Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC) with Xevo TQ-S Jody Dunstan, 1 Eimear McCall, 1 Ramesh Rao, 2 Ingrid Ericson Jogsten, and 2,3 Bert van Bavel Waters…
Klíčová slova
apgc, apgcpcdfs, pcdfspcdds, pcddsxevo, xevoconfirmatory, confirmatorydioxins, dioxinscommission, commissionregulation, regulationhrms, hrmspcdf, pcdfaccordance, accordanceocdd, ocddpcdd, pcddexcellent, excellentdioxin
APGC-MS/MS Investigation of a Complex Mixture of Polyhalogenated Dioxins and Furans (PXDD/Fs) Generated in Fire Debris
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] APGC-MS/MS Investigation of a Complex Mixture of Polyhalogenated Dioxins and Furans (PXDD/Fs) Generated in Fire Debris Kari Organtini, 1 Adam Ladak,1 Douglas Stevens,1 Lauren Mullin,1 Frank Dorman 2 1 Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA 2 The…
Klíčová slova
cobr, cobrcocl, coclfire, firepxdd, pxdddebris, debrisapgc, apgcpolyhalogenated, polyhalogenatedfurans, furansdioxins, dioxinscobrcl, cobrclbrcl, brclinvestigation, investigationfirefighters, firefightersgenerated, generatedmixture
Waters Application Notes - Environmental
Waters Application Notes Environmental Industrial growth. Agricultural processes. Municipal waste. Each poses a very real threat to the environment and human health. It is critical that governments and businesses seek out the most effective analytical innovations to detect and identify…
Klíčová slova
cobr, cobrwater, watermicrocystin, microcystinesi, esiapgc, apgclegacy, legacypfas, pfascarboxylate, carboxylatemicrocystins, microcystinscocl, coclpfass, pfasssulfonate, sulfonatexevo, xevousing, usinganalysis
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.